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Everything posted by earlbrwstr

  1. Nice catch
  2. I love this idea I think in need more posts though!!
  3. Very nice congrats!!
  4. Im more worried about the scolding I get from my wife whe i get home than a mosquito bite!!
  5. Hope you find your stuff. I couldnt imagine having my gear stolen, id prob cry!
  6. I have used live bluegill and they catch some big ones, and small ones.. But its hit or miss just like any other bait. Good luck at you tourney!!
  7. welcome to the site!! You will learn alot by reading all the different articles here within the site.
  8. Last time we were out we were throwing frogs and jitterbugs right as the sun was going down, I also gave him alot of different worms before i left.
  9. haha yeah i love to fish with worms, littlebug is my nephew! I got him started on this site just because Ive learned so much. Where I take him fishing its really overgrown with all kinds of tall grass, so the best thing I have found to work is working any type of worm weightless. I do wwant to take him fishing as much as possible but he pretty far from me and i really only make out there once in a while. Thats why hes here, to try and gather as much information on targeting bass everytime he goes out!
  10. It never hurts to wiggle your worm!! I wish I could take you fishing with me more often!!
  11. hi and welcome
  12. Im from the joliet area welcome to BR
  13. im going to try this tommrow!
  14. where on on the kkk would be a good spot to start looking? going ouhere tommrow morning. thanks
  15. Wow shes a fatty!! Very impressive
  16. hey im from Joliet, i do alot of shore fishing wherever i can!
  17. thanks again
  18. I enjoy fishing as soon as i get off work 7:30 am is a perfect time and i dont make it home till after 12. Its very rare I get off work in time to see the sunrise.
  19. Thanks
  20. Just wanted to say hi. I live close to chicago and love to fish anytime I can! My names Earl, and Im hoping to gain alot of usefull information from the site!! Thanks for having me!
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