Hunted out of a WS Ride 115 this past year - my first year hunting, hunting waterfowl, and hunting out a kayak. It's a great platform to get back into some great spots.
Here's what I'd say:
If you can, PADDLE, PADDLE, PADDLE. Try out boats as much as you can before picking what you might want to buy. You'll be surprised how different each of those boats 'feels' and how something you never would've thought of in one boat will appeal to you or irritate you. Nothing beats time on the water to decide between boats.
For a hunting platform, look for stability first in the platform... I'm a big guy, and so stability mattered for my fishing, but it matters more for hunting. The movements I'm making tracking a bird, turning/leaning, to say nothing of the recoil of the firearm meant that I felt (and worried about) every little wiggle of the boat more than I did fishing. Plus, you're usually hauling more/heavier gear if you're hunting (esp for waterfowl) than you are when you're fishing.
I'd strongly recommend a look at the WS Ride, Tarpon, or ATAK series boats... Other major brands (Jackson, Old Town, etc etc) have boats in the same price/feature class. While the lesser known brands are fine, you should consider the 'buy once, cry once' principle if you can.
Happy to answer any direct questions that might be helpful to you... This past year was the first time hitting it really hard for both fishing and hunting. And I can't wait for more.