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Everything posted by cbass12

  1. Veritas. Had a jig hung in a brush pile in about 20' of water and I guess I put too much pressure on it because the rod snapped about a foot above the reel seat.
  2. Planning on trying to catch some crappie there tomorrow. May throw a bladed jig and a creature bait around too. I'll post a report.
  3. That's a BEAUTY of a spot you caught there
  4. It was a pretty small stream, and one that I would kill to have near my home!!!!!
  5. Saw this same thing at a ramp here, guy had a new tracker panfish with roller bunks. I didn't see it happen but the boat was halfway up the ramp on the ground when we came in for the day.
  6. I don't think it was actually, it was a smaller river that he walked into. It was one of the more entertaining shows of his that I have seen.
  7. He may fish private lakes, but I remember at least one show where he was on a river in Tennessee just wearing out the smallies. Wherever he goes the guy knows how to catch fish.
  8. He was only willing to go as low as $250 two days ago. The guy that runs the minn kota/motor guide service center in town told me that anything over $200 was too much because the armature will most likely have to be replaced, but it would be a good deal at that price. Sent the guy an email last night and explained that to him and he left me a message this morning saying that he would take $200 So now all I have to do is pick it up and get it to the repair shop.
  9. This ^^^^^ I'm probably going to go out there one of these days and walk the bank just NE of the dam. Lucky for me the permits are free, perks of working for the county
  10. Thanks again for all the help guys!! I'm trying to replace the edge I bought last year that I am extremely unhappy with.
  11. I talked to him tonight and he said the pin was bent and the shaft itself was bent a little as well. He's asking $300. If I did make an offer it would be about $200 considering I would have to make some repairs to it. The guy at the repair center in town said if I could get it for $200 it would be a good deal because the repairs would be around $100-125.
  12. I might get back with him tomorrow evening, it was a great deal and was in almost perfect condition for a 9 year old motor. You can tell the previous owner didn't use it much. He is selling it because it came on a lund he bought, but he prefers a tiller handle for the deep v boats.
  13. WOW!!!! Did you catch anymore?
  14. I went and looked at it last night and it looked great...except for the prop not spinning completely level. I assumed something in the shaft that it sits on was bent. I told him I was going to pass because of that, but he said he was going to get a new prop and check the shaft tonight. If the shaft is not bent he's going to let me know and I may go back and hook it up to a battery to give it a test run. I guess I should have had him take the prop off last night so we could have inspected it a little further.
  15. Try the Sea Shad Assassin as well, they have a lot of action and work great on a darter head. I think they also make a freshwater version of it called the turbo shad.
  16. I have found a Minn Kota Maxxum 70 with variable speed on craigslist here in town for $300. The guy selling it swapped it out for a brand new (same model with a tiller handle) motor. The one I'm interested in came off of a 2004 Lund. My question is, should I have any reservations about buying a motor that could possibly be almost ten years old? He doesn't know how old it is so I'm going to have him check the serial numbers for me later so I can verify the year. In the back of my mind I'm hoping the original owner had upgraded motors at some point and this motor is only 5 years old or less. Thanks for any help!!
  17. My biggest 3 from the day. Chris didn't catch a smallmouth until the last 10 minutes of the day and it barely measured. 3.5 2.25 2.5
  18. I wish I would have just sucked it up and got the maxxum in the first place. One of the bolts that holds the motor down to the mounting bracket got stripped and fell out yesterday, I'm assuming due to the motor flexing when I tried to turn it under power. This is the first time I've had it out in really high winds and the speed control was a nightmare. Had to have it on 5 becuase 4 would barely hold us in place. I'm either going to sell the edge or see if minn kota will do an exchange due to the bolt getting stripped out. I'm not sure what their policy is but they claim they have a 2 year warranty, and we've had it exactly 1 year this week. Getting no less than the 70 maxxum with variable speeds.
  19. That's a double OUCH!!!!!!
  20. At least you found some bigger fish, biggest we had was maybe 14". I think the weather is improving the mood of the fish (at least that's what I'm hoping).
  21. I hope it gets better by tomorrow, because it sucked yesterday. The wind was stronger than they said it was supposed to be and it was down right cold. We caught white bass fairly steady all day but really couldn't find the brown fish. Did get a 16" walleye. We caught maybe 6 smallies between us and most of those came on a 50 yard stretch of bank. All fish were caught on jerkbaits except for a little smallie in the marina cove on a shakyhead. This, unfortunately, was the biggest
  22. From my experience the Little Niangua is very shallow and would make it extremely difficult for that boat to get around. I've done well walking in from some of the access points though. Lots of rock bass and an occasional smallie. I know a lot of guys fish the Niangua but they use flat bottom jon boats and jet motors. It has good depth on portions of the river, but shallow riffles that would make it difficult with your boat. Granted I've only been on the river below bennett springs so I can't say what it's like upstream from there.
  23. I'm going tomorrow and they're saying NNE at 6-10, hopefully that happens.
  24. I'm sure they're fine rods, just saying that when I held a couple of them to me they felt a little heavy. It's all personal preference.
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