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Everything posted by cbass12

  1. Let me just say I am a big fan of Glock. We are issued Glock 17's and I really enjoy shooting it, feels great in my hand and finding sight picture is really easy to me. That being said, I traded my Glock 23 that I used for off duty carry to one of our Lt's for a Shield 9MM a few months ago. I needed something thinner since I have a little tactical girth around the midsection, and the glock stuck out just a little too far for my liking. I've heard all about how people dislike the M&P triggers. I have fired several of these weapons, from the full size all the way down to the compact and I have to admit I like the triggers. They're crisp yet smooth, if that makes sense. If you do end up getting the shield you'll fall in love with how conealable it is.
  2. H2O bibs all the way. A fraction of the price compared to the 100MPH suit. It's the first real rain suit I've had aside from my cheap frogg toggs and I have been very impressed with them. They're extremely warm, which had me worried about wearing them in warmer weather, but I've found them to be fairly breathable.
  3. I'm lucky too, my mom is a CPA.
  4. Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it for this. My dad has ALS and is not doing so well, and he wants to do a trip somewhere this spring. Think we've decided to do a 4 day trip to the Rock and I really can't do two trips within a couple weeks of each other.
  5. In high school I had permission at a 3 acre pond in a subdivision that my best friend lived in. He and I had taken the time to speak to a few of the homeowners since it was techincally in the neighborhood right next to my buddy's. One of the homeowners was even a formal Royals player whose kid I knew from little league. They were all very nice and were fine with us fishing there, so needless to say we would fish around almost the entire pond everytime we went. One day I took a family friend's kid with me and as we made our way around, one of the homeowners who was foregin came out and started yelling at me to stop fishing and to put back the fish I had just caught. I politely explained to him that I had permission from several homeowners around the pond and that I do not keep any of the fish I catch. He continued to yell at me to stop fishing and to leave. I continued to fish and ignored him for a minute, until he started threatening to call the cops. I didn't really think it was worth the fight so I packed up my stuff and left.
  6. I have had at one time or another both casting and spinning of each rod. For both spinning and casting I prefer the fuller handle of the cork on the Extreme, probably because of my gorilla hands. Just feels more comfortable for me. Personally the sensitivity is about the same but maybe give a slight edge to the Carbonlite because of its weight. You can not go wrong with either of these rods, and if you wait until the spring fishing classic each can be had for around $80. I plan on swapping my 6'6" M/F Carbonlite for an Extreme of the same size in the future. I use it as my jerkbait rod but like I said above, I prefer the thicker cork handle of the Extreme.
  7. Shimano Sahara bought in march 2006 is the oldest that I still use regularly. I have a Sedona 2000 that my dad bought me when I was about 15 that I still have.
  8. The president may be a better option for you than the supreme. Not that the supreme isn't a good reel, but folks seem to really like the president, and that would free up a little money for a nicer rod.
  9. Got one for $37 at one of several stores in our area about a month ago. They only had 1 left or else I would have stocked up.
  10. LEO
  11. Never. Couldn't imagine ever rooting for the Donkeys, Chargers, or Raiders.
  12. Johnny's sounds good
  13. This is the reason I sold my Sahara FE and switched over to Pflueger. That new design is so uncomfortable. I think you have to go all the way up to the Stradic to get away from that stem design.
  14. Broke one of my dad's old BPS flippin sticks when I was a kid trying to swing a 3-4 pound carp onto the dock at LOZ with braided line. He was pleased about that one. Buddy stepped on one of my BPS Bionic Blades in the back of my truck a few years ago, crunched the blank on one of the ribs in the bed. Didn't realize until the next week when I was crappie fishing with my wife, set the hook and the rod just snapped in two.
  15. Agreed, do we know a Mod??
  16. That's messed up. I actually got excited about the possibility of fishing warm water in march for once. Now depression sets back in......
  17. At least they're doing it now instead of at the end of February like they usually do.
  18. Nickname in high school, and 12 was my baseball number from since I was a little kid through college.
  19. The reel seat is the only reason I've ever had to take back a Shimano rod. I had two Compres two years ago that had the same issue within the first week after I bought them. Bought them at BPS so I was able to just take them back.
  20. Don't know about the newer boats, but mine that was bought around 2000 was not filled with foam. It did have two drain holes with plugs that could be removed at the front of each pontoon. Mine got two small slits, one on each pontoon, from me backing it up to the ramp for loading into my truck. Several hundred trips and it finally busted through. It would take on a small amount of water everytime out but was very easy to drain. Once the leak is found a plastic welding kit would do the trick. The kits I found online were around $50. I would have bought one but I sold the boat to a friend from work.
  21. Fine with me.
  22. If I can't talk a friend from work into coming you could fish with me in the fish/ski.
  23. I vote Beaver. Maybe we should all vote on location first, then vote on the dates once we figure out where we're going.
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