Amazing start to 2016 for my two fishing partners and I.
January 1st: Jermaine started it with his 10lbs 10oz (his new personal best) on a black zoom horny toad.
January 2nd: I catch an 8lb 3oz on a blue gill rat-l-trap (I had to check my fish a couple times couldn't believe she was only 8 lol)
January 3rd: Rich catches an 8.06 on a rat-l-trap
We all fish together but the past 3 days when we caught our trophies we weren't together and each fish was caught in a different part of Jacksonville, FL (rich got his on a golf course). All fish are caught and released and Florida Trophy Catch certified. If you live in FL and don't know about the program or don't participate you need to. It's a catch and release program that awards you Bass Pro Shop gift cards ($100, $150, $200) for fish caught 8+ pounds. Regardless of the incentives the program offers you must ALWAYS catch and release it's the only way to make these moments plentiful for everyone.
QUESTION: Jermaine was told by someone on his Facebook that his fish may be some sort of hybrid. I forget exactly what he was telling me but said something about how the mouth is small, fin coloration, and the girth of the fish with its lack of length. He sent pics and what he was told to the FWC Facebook page so he's waiting on a response.