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Fishing Doug

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About Fishing Doug

  • Birthday 06/16/1978

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  • Location
    St. Louis, MO

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  1. Care to define "most places"???? I live in Clayton....is that included in your 'most places'?
  2. I golf as much as I fish. No pics but here is a list for this year: TaylorMade R9 Supertri 9.5 with Whiteboard Adams 17 deg. Super Hybrid TaylorMade '09 3H and 4H Adams CB2 irons 4-GW Scotty Cameron Newport 2.0 Putter That list times 2. One bag at the club and one in the car.
  3. I have a Super Black Eagle 2 and a Super Nova. Like them both. The Super Nova stays loaded for home protection. Like someone else mentioned, the sound of the pump might just keep you from having to fire. Plus, if I had to bet my 'life' on one not failing to shoot, I'm betting on the pump.....
  4. My guess is Chicago. Chicago signed Boozer and they still have room to sign a max contract.
  5. This. Or, a bluegill hooked through the back.
  6. I use the Flak Jacket XLJ's and just ordered another pair today. Big fan.
  7. Redline, I will be in KC Friday-Monday and St. Louis the rest of the week. What specific night(s) are you going to be in Columbia? If our schedules match, I could meet you in Columbia for a beer, dinner, etc. Addison's or CC's City Broiler are decent places to eat. It is a college town so you can find a bar just about anywhere.
  8. Figured I would post an abbreviated fishing report on Coffeen from today. Put 31 in the boat today with most of them on trick worm/split shot or creature bait/shakey head. All of them caught either in the hot water discharge or the rip rap closest to the hot water discharge. About 1/3 of them over 15 inches. Good day on the water. FD
  9. Thanks, firefightn. Yeah, the ponds are on property we already own and they are stocked (that is the east edge of our original family farm). The river/creek on the north end of the property has a nice channel cat population, too. Should start digging holes for a couple new ponds on the new property once it dries up....assuming it does.
  10. Little addition to the family farm.
  11. Nope. Met Steve Jobs 2 years ago and he was the biggest A-hole I have ever met. No Apple products for me.
  12. That happened to me once and I know exactly what caused it-a fist. Cleared up in about a week.
  13. Check the forecast. Anything over 15mph, forget about it. It is a schooling bass lake. When you find a school of them, you can whack 3 to 4 pounders on nearly every cast, with the occasional 5 pounder. Of course, you don't always find those schools. But I do usually find one of those schools every other trip. That's more than I can say for LOZ, MT or any other place I fish. I went this Saturday and had 4 prespawn fatties over 19". My smallest one was the smallest LM I have ever caught out of there. It was 16" and I weighed it just out of curiosity. 2.2 pounds. Unfortunately, the best areas of the lake are off shore. That's when you find the schools. Some areas are directly in the middle. Wind that high eliminates those spots. I obviously don't have that lake figured out yet, but what I have found has kept me going through the winter. Let me know how you do if you decide to go. I'll keep you posted if we make it out there. FD
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