Check the forecast. Anything over 15mph, forget about it. It is a schooling bass lake. When you find a school of them, you can whack 3 to 4 pounders on nearly every cast, with the occasional 5 pounder. Of course, you don't always find those schools. But I do usually find one of those schools every other trip. That's more than I can say for LOZ, MT or any other place I fish.
I went this Saturday and had 4 prespawn fatties over 19". My smallest one was the smallest LM I have ever caught out of there. It was 16" and I weighed it just out of curiosity. 2.2 pounds.
Unfortunately, the best areas of the lake are off shore. That's when you find the schools. Some areas are directly in the middle. Wind that high eliminates those spots. I obviously don't have that lake figured out yet, but what I have found has kept me going through the winter. Let me know how you do if you decide to go.
I'll keep you posted if we make it out there.