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Everything posted by Bronzebacksrule

  1. I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses but I love my 6'6" B&R outlaw rods. I had gotten them after fishing with a guide who recommended them about 5 years ago. Thsi past year, I tried the Fenwick Elite Tech smallmouth rod as well as a St. Croix Avid and ended up ordering another Outlaw rod because I didn't like how they compared in weight and balance. Tight lines! Chris
  2. I agree. Any day except when the water is super clear and/or hot, I will try a number of casts with a lipless crankbait as a search tool. I typically use the Red Eye Shad in sexy shad or the crawfish pattern. One of the keys is to retrieve it and rip it every now and then, then pause. I often get bit on the pause. I've caught smallies on it in spring and fall as well as summer on the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers. KVD has a great video on it from Bass Pro.
  3. This is a tough one because there is a difference between favorite and most productive! Lol I have to say I've caught more river smallies on 3.5" tubes in purple smoke or gobie color than any other bait but I have the most fun with buzz baits and jerkbaits. I've used a lot of x raps and lucky crafts and am gonna try some others this year.
  4. I fish the rebel Pop R and catch more small fish than large. It used to be the only top water I fish but I don't use it as much any more.I have been having a lot of success with the small strike king buzzbaits. You can throw this in riffles, fast current or slow current and they produce all sizes of fish. Also today I was using a Zara Spook on the Schuylkill River and had good success with that, if you can walk the dog. It takes a bit of practice but the bass love it.
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