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Everything posted by DeadEyeDavey

  1. Cheddarwurst, throw a one inch chunk onto a good sized hook and fish under a jug over night.
  2. Like i said they work like magic, and if for so ungodly reason the fish aren't taking it the tubes have feathers that hold on to scent real well if you're into that stuff.
  3. Oh well, they spawn when the season is closed so I figure whats the point of fishing for them and just focus on pike and 'eyes.
  4. Does anyone know where I can get some firing pins for this gun? I looked it up on the internet but all the websites seemed shady. Please don't just post random websites, I only sites that you bought from personally.
  5. I use the perch and golbi, the brand is storm wild eye by the way. I just swim them across open water or through the weeds and do pretty good. Usually in Michigan if you get caught pulling bass from their beds the DNR will give you hell or a fine so i don't do it.
  6. Bombers are hands down the best box fillers. Northwoods outlet sells most models four for ten or three for nine ninety-nine and the work great! Just because the price is low doesn't always mean the lure sucks
  7. DeadEyeDavey

    Untitled Album

  8. DeadEyeDavey

    Untitled Album

  9. DeadEyeDavey


    From the album: Untitled Album

  10. Thank You I never thought of checking ebay, by the way you should buy some yourself.
  11. So a few years back I was going up to Rose City to fish. On the way up I stoped at a Northwoods Outlet store in Pinconning. I found these lures made by Luck-E-Strike called Tickle Tubes. Northwoods had a sale on them one package of two for a dime. So I bought two or three packages. Up at the lake the tubes worked like magic catching everything from bluegills to bass to pike it was great. But, I lost all but one since then. Everywhere I go I use it and somehow nail the bass. Anyways I would like to know where I could buy them at (all the other tubes I bought don't work as well). Any help would be great and Thank y'all!
  12. I am currently using one right now. Not a bad little box if I do say so myself. My dad had this box a good 15-20 years before me. He broke off the handle (and you know how big and heavy these things can get) so he just bought a new box and left this one in the garage. it stayed in there until I screwed a screen door handle to the top of it and called it good. Any ways to answer your questions ZERUST has been a round for a while (obviously our boxes are old) I think it's just a pad that sucks up excess moisture to prevent corrosion. I don't even know if it works i might just be a gimmick to make better sales that's why you never heard of it.
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