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Everything posted by DeadEyeDavey

  1. I look at those guys and laugh, spending their whole fortune just to stay on top. I have a 1947 Shaksphere Wonder Rod and a Mitchel Avocate, seems to me I catch just as many if not more fish than that guy.
  2. Depens on what you're after, the time, fishing conditions, and the water itself. I tend to troll hot n' tots all day in a spring fed pond (water never rises more than 50 degrees) and tend to hammer the bass all day. In the rivers I'll toss out deep diving cranks in the late afternoon for drum and at about 5 the walleye run through. All and all it's a trial and error run, things that work for me will be different for you.
  3. My story was 100% true, I wanted to see how many people would take it seriously.
  4. You mean get it to do flips and spin on it's head
  5. Try doing 3 steps with your skitter pop. I don't know if I'd be able to do the harlem shake with my pole, it's still recovering from teaching it how to dougy
  6. Biggest tip for pike fishing: no matter what your friends say.... and I mean nothing they say should ever convince you to try to get a picture of you kissing the pike. Pike are impatient and will not miss the opportunity to bite you in the face.
  7. So over this past summer I got big into topwaters. One night at a campground I was tossing out a skitter pop (I found it in a tree earlier that day, same spot actually) and every once in while I could get a hit by making it walk the dog. Well after many hours (3) with no hook ups I was about to call it quits, when over at the Karaoke contest I heard somebody start singing the cha-cha slide. Being a creative guy I thought to myself "why don't I make my lure do the moves to the song" and to the best of my ability I did. Sure enough, when I got to the second "criss-cross" and paused I heard an Explosion from the water then another loud crash. next thing I know I'm hooked into this big ol fish and I must have fought it for 10-15 minutes, got it five feet from shore (too dark to see what it was) and the line went limp and my skitter pop shot out of the water. Lesson to be learned: walking the dog has nothing on the cha-cha slide.
  8. Go with an Ugly Stick, I have a Wonder Rod (1950s predecessor to the Ugly Stick) that I use for all species especially pike, and I love it.
  9. I love curling, whether it be playing or watching. I even proposed a curling team at my high school, it didn't pass.
  10. I was almost considering contacting you until I saw you were from Ohio....
  11. Bomber Long A and Luck E Strike Tickle Tubes. They work the best for me all year long (except Winter dang ice), but if you find some Tickle Tubes ya better tell me I haven't found any in stores for over 4 years and I'm down to my last one.
  12. My favorite mod was done by a sheephead on my favorite Hot n' Tot. The sheephead hit so hard that it put a huge crack in my Tot. The great thing about it is now I can let it sink and fish 20 feet of water from shore.
  13. I don't use jigs, but that looks professionally made. Good job.
  14. Everything is frozen up here too, luckly for me I have ice fishing stuff. Been slamming the Walleye on the Saginaw river lately, but lost my spud, now I'm sitting here reading about everyone else catching 'em.
  15. My favorite rod is my 1950's Shakespere Wonder rod. It's simply, tough, and a good practical pole (exept it breaks into a one foot and five foot sections).
  16. Boing lures? Do they look like airplanes? Or do they fly through they air like one?
  17. I read once in a book, "If bluegill grew to the size of their bass cousins; you would need salt water tackle to fight the beast, and nobody would ever set foot in fresh water again." I think it was Fishing Michigan by Eric Sharp
  18. I found out that every Bomber I own are salt water lures. I guess that's why each one cost me $2.50 here in Michigan. This one is my favorite (sorry if the image isn't shown this is my first time uploading an image.)
  19. Instead of saying bluegill aren't a "real fish" I should have said first fish that wasn't a bluegill. But If your first fish on a fly rod just so happened to be a big ol slab bluegill, I guess I'll accept it.
  20. An old teacher of mine keeps telling me about the "pencil bobber trick" but he never showed me how to do it.
  21. A sun bleached Skitter Pop that I found in a tree at a campsite
  22. I would say bluegill count, but I don't think a fish that can be caught with a bare hook should count.
  23. I'm a cash guy always was, always will.
  24. Was just wondering, what was your first (real fish, bluegill don't count) fish on a fly rod? Also if you can remember what was your set up? Mine was an 8 inch brook trout that hit on a red quill (not sure the size) on a God knows what brand reel I bought from the flea market years ago and a Crystal River Finalist that I bought from North Woods. I remember I was so excited that I was pulling on the line so fast I almost ripped the fly out of the fish's mouth, and when I got it on shore I nearly peed my pants I was so excited.
  25. The Super-duper awesome kick-butt catches all fish destroyer number one!
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