I've never had a Largemouth Bass, even a 18in Hog, put the kind of strain and pressure on a rod like a 12in Smallmouth can. Pound for pound the smallmouth bass is the best fight you can have in freshwater. Also, their finiky behavior alone is challenge enough and it may take an hour on the river to figure out what they want that particular day. Largemouth just need to be coaxed, Smallies, they need to be romanced. Lastly, their location. anybody can put a boat in on a lake and find "that spot" for Bucketmouths. Finding "that spot" on the river takes patience and a willingness to jump and and get messy, get wet, and in some cases risk your neck. I've dangled from trees, crossed paths with bear, even wrapped my gear in garbage bags and forded the river in 50 degree water to get to "that spot". (side note, I typically fish the Schuylkill river in Pa. Sometimes boats aren't and option.) Half the challenge of the day on the river is getting to those locations that most people wouldn't dare. I love it! This all is not to say I won't go out on the lake and play with the Buckets on a given day. But, the river and those little brown beasts are what really calls to me.