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Everything posted by flyeaglesfly5186

  1. Cigs Poncho Lighters and my machette, best tool for cutting your way through the hills of schuylkill county pa trying to get to the river.
  2. Keep at those smallies man! Here in Pa on the Schuylkill River you literally have to "hunt" the bronzebacks but I find it's worth it. Even if it's not the biggest fish on my line. I'd rather catch a few smallies and earn it, than go to the lake and pull the buckets out.
  3. My girlfriend would emasculate me in the non metaphorical sense if I came home with a Cabelas Visa.
  4. So annoying...
  5. Yeah this happens to me a lot. There actually is no cure. Like heroin, if you do fish it just makes the urge even greater next time.
  6. Living only 5 minutes from the Cabelas in Hamburg Pa I can honestly say it's a toss up dealing with Cabelas. For instance; Where I work I come in contact with a bunch of people in my area as my customers two of them are a very nice couple who both work at Cabelas. We got talking one day about fishing and I told them that I was just up the other day and bought about $150 worth of tackle and other gear. Well I told them that I just discovered the web pricing on a bunch of stuff I had purchased that day and had I ordered online I would've saved over $60. Well they told me to come up the next day after work and the wife, who works at the CS desk gave me the difference back of the items I ordered. I was very thankful and quite suprised about how that was handled. However, I have had a fair share of negative situations arise there too. Especially with the people working there not knowing what I'm looking for, Or what I'm talking about. I understand not everone can know what everything is but come on there's certain things someone working in the fishing department should know. eg. The difference between a regular jig head and a tube jig head. I have to say that dealing with Cabelas overall has been a better excperience than dealing with my local Dick's which is right next to my work. I only go to Dick's when they give me coupons. Their tackel selection is trash and I tend to use the coupons on things like bags, tackle boxes, and non essential items. I'd rather go to Cabelas for the terminal tackle because their selection is outstanding. Overall I'd rather Cabelas.
  7. I had a bad hook the other day. First set of trebles hit the lip, second set completely ripped the eye out and it was dangling on the hook away from the fish. Not fun. But it happens.
  8. Here's the actual list of DHALO ares in Pa. http://fishandboat.com/fishpub/summary/delayedartificial.html
  9. You're safe on the Delaware. There's no special regulations except the standard no harvest list and length limits. http://www.fishandboat.com/fishpub/summary/delaware.html
  10. Yeah apparently if it's anywhere that's marked as a delayed harvest artificial lures only trout special regulations area you HAVE TO HAVE the trout stamp to even fish there. These areas are posted so it's not a surprise when you get to them. I just didn't realize it meant I couldn't go after other species.
  11. ^ditto^ It's possible, they're balsy fish and I've read reports of them as far North as Pa.
  12. Weedless and weightless T-Rigged tubes, let them just drop/drift through the grass. Use a darker color than the grass for the contrast.
  13. Yesterday I encountered a bit of heartache and hassle. Here in Pa of course we have trout permits. We also have special delayed harvest streams that regulate the type of baits used, basically nothing alive. Well, I decided to hit up one of these streams yesterday for smallmouth. It's underneathe a man made lake and the bass have intergrated into this small stream along with the trout the state stocks every year. Well, I went down to this stream, parked, grabbed my rod and took off into the woods. Well I met a very nice F&G officer along the way who decided to question me and check my license. He informed me that even though I was intentionally using bait designed to catch smallmouth, which he confirmed are in fact in that stream and are decent sized, I wasn't allowed to even be there without a trout permit because of the regulations. He didn't ticket me or cite me but I had to leave and go back to the river. He told me I could go add the trout stamp to my lincese and come back but I refuse to pay the fee, granted it's only $8, I don't feel it's fair to make me get a stamp for trout when I have no intention of ever fishing for them just because of some regulation on a stream that has reportedly decent smallie fishing. I'm going to end up writing a letter to the state protesting this regulation. Why do I, a game fisherman, get punished for not buying into trout stocking. Anybody else here ever run into a situation or issue like this? What are people's thoughts? Is it fair?
  14. Schuylkill river smallies can get to the 5-6 range. I wade that river all the time. mostly north of birdsboro but there's plenty of them in there. I'd suggest tubes on a jig head.
  15. Not as many years but ditto. I close them and open them with my teeth all the time never had an issue.
  16. Agreed! Where I primarily fish for smallies tubes are my go to but a few jig heads and 3in curly tails is my back up. Or, if I'm horribly bored and want to play with the rock bass.
  17. I average like 15-20 smallies every evening I go out so this is in 1.5-2 hours of time. I wade and fish the Schuylkill river in Pa so it's an adventure everytime to go out and find the fish.
  18. Just get some tubes and tube jig heads. It's all I ever use, especially in the rivers.
  19. My adventures involve finding my two unemployed friend who tend to do nothing but fish all day right now. Guess a gov severance pays the bills. Anyway I'll go find them after work most days and hear stories of how they've spent all day catching like five fish. I'll then join them, catch five fish in the first 30mins while they deal with tangled lines and missed hits. Sometimes it's nice to the real angler of the group.
  20. Tubes, stay natural colored. This means dark brown, watermelon, blues, dark greys. Sometimes I'll take a hit at night on white. very rarely... Not sure why it's numbering my post...
  21. Tubes both jig weighted and plain hooked for top water.
  22. 30lb Spiderwire Stealth Braid with an 8lb Spiderwire mono leader. Just in case I do get hung up I want to be able to rip the line off without having to cut the braided.
  23. Actually I have two of them.
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