With the warm weather trend of the past 2 weeks, the activity of the fish has picked up greatly. The bite's been steady for the entire day, and a variety of presentations have worked out here. Darker colors, blue/black and dark green w/ flake have been the ticket, whether on a soft plastic worm or lizard, or from a jig w/ craw trailer in those color schemes. I fished a new lake here and bagged this pig I have as my profile pic yesterday on one. It's my personal best since I was in HS 10 years ago too, so needless to say I was stoked when I finally beached the whale!
In the spirit of the original poster, lets start sharing our presentations and how they've worked in our neck of the woods. Learning what works from other guys is the best way to get bit I've come to learn. Especially since most articles and videos deal with the Southern bassin' or out West, it's tough to carry over some of the info bc of the difficulties that come with trying to fish in this crowded and pressured environment.