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About Valascus

  • Birthday 04/17/1982

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    Saint Louis, MO

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  1. There is a trojan horse type virus embedded somewhere on that website. My anti-virus picked it up too. Does it everytime I go to that site. http://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2008-052714-3021-99
  2. Now I gotta try to break 7.
  3. I did get the boat. It needs a bit of work, but nothing too serious. New decking and carpet, maybe some paint and other minor cosmetic things. All things boat have been put on hold until things at work settle down. Company I work for got bought out and we are in the midst of a massive computer and operations conversion. No one is really sure how any of this affexts us yet, so gotta be careful with the money. I probably won't be able to fish either tourney. Work has me tied up for the weekend of the 15th and my daughters birthday is the 29th. Next time I see ya, I'll have to show you the picture of the 6lbs 1 oz. fish I caught out of the "smaller fish" farm pond.
  4. I'll be finally hitting the water sometime this weekend. Probably just start out slow at the public pond in the area to knock the rust off, then scoot off to some nice farmponds I found in Jonesburg with some 7 lbs+ feesh.
  5. That's really a strange set of pictures actually. If I am not mistaken, mountain lions are solitary creatures. The only "pride" they travel in is a mother and her cubs. So, either those pics are of a mother and her cubs, which is still exciting to see in Wisconsin, or it is pics of a pride of mountain lions. The second would be very interesting indeed since none of the experts believe these animals travel in prides. Very cool.
  6. Oddly enough, in my neck of the woods, gas has jumped $0.22 this past week. I know prices are still droping, so I couldn't quite figure that one out. Regular Unleaded is going for $1.69. Did I miss something? :-?
  7. My boss loves the stuff. And to make matters worse he knows that 90% of the staff hates it with a passion. So knowing this he makes us all utterly miserable from right after Thanksgiving through the New Year. In September there was a radio station here that announced it was going to be changing format starting January 1st. So instead of retaining it's normal music format and disc jockeys until then, they axed all the jockeys and started playing Christmas music in September.
  8. Here's one for you Cart. Line didn't break on this sucker! ;D Went 6lbs 1oz. Caught it first week of September on a 10" black/blue Powerworm. Broke my 5lb goal and went ahead and broke 6lbs just for good measure.
  9. Why? Why? You may say below that there is no difference between an automatic or semi-automatic weapon, but I respectfully disagree. I am no gun expert by any means, but if they was no difference between the two, then why is there so much more training required to properly fire or own an automatic weapon? How much of the general population can properly, safely, and accurately fire an automatic weapon? How many hours of range time do military personnel have to practice firing automatic weapons? When it comes down to it, the general population, for the most part, is far too untrained and unprepared for automatic weapons. Those who care to go through all proper licensing, hours upon hours of autmatic weapons training, automatic weapons safety courses, and automatic weapon maintenence should be allowed to own one.
  10. I respectfully disagree. Please expand. I'm curious of why. I am not trying to step on anyones toes here. Just a respectful reply. I think I see where he is coming from GMAN. I am all for the 2nd amendment. However, did the article say anything about whether this gentleman was licensed to even have the Uzi? Or if the "instructor" was licensed to have, fire, and "give lessons" on how to use the Uzi? Control of hunting rifles, carrying pieces, home protection, antique collectibles, etc., etc., I believe is unnecessary. I understand there are already very, very tight regulations on automatic weapons. It appears to me that they may need to be a bit tighter. The article says it all. Full investigations are being conducted to check whether all parties involved had the proper licensing. I may be wrong, but that COULD be where Matt is coming from.
  11. Darn, you caught me. How did you guess I was wasting mine and everyone else's time by creating an elaborate story regarding some cats? :
  12. Tried cayenne pepper with mixed results. Kept some away and not others. Not sure why. Bad thing about cayenne is you have to apply it daily. In the morning when the dew settles ,or if it rains, it dilutes the effects. If we didn't re-apply the cats would just come back. It worked pretty well for the most part when the pepper was fresh though. On another note, I am on the cities schedule of minutes at the next city council meeting to speak on this particular subject. I have a whooping three minutes to state my case. : But, I guess that's another issue altogether.
  13. If I happened to catch a kitten or one of the younger cats, that might be possible. Some of the older ones I have seen are kind of sickly looking and there are three in particular that are pretty aggressive. To make matters worse, the aggressive ones aren't really that afraid of humans. Usually if I start to chase one off they will run, but those three start hissing, making all kinds of racket, and will stand their ground. My next door neighbor is a cat guy, so I may be able to see if he would adopt any younger animals. I get the feeling that a lot of the older cats are just too sick or aggressive for adoption. It's funny that you mention the mice. Almost a third of Overland used to have a massive rat problem about a year ago. Was on the news and everything. I never saw one around here, but the residents who saw them on a regular basis said it was way more than just a few rats. The city tried their best to ramp up means to eradicate the rats, but over the course of about 2 months the problem seemed to fix itself. I think I know why.
  14. I couldn't get a hold of Overland's "animal control" agent...again. However, I did talk to someone at STLCo Animal Control and the answer I got this time was far different that what I got last time. When I asked about the waiting list for the animals to be picked up, the officer told me that only applied if the person requesting pick up of the animal wanted a "guarantee" of no-kill or adoption of said animal. The last person I spoke with said nothing about a no waiting list option. She informed me the waiting list was designed to ensure that room and provisions were the animal within their facilities. I told her I wasn't concerned with that at all. I just want the cats away from and off my property. She said that's not a problem and that if I do capture any of the cats to call and an officer will be dispatched immediately. She was even so informative as to provide me with an after hours number to call if I have a cat that needs to be picked up. So I just bought a Havahart 32" x 11" x 12" trap and a buncha cans of cheap tuna. Hopefully over the next couple weeks I can make a dent in this problem.
  15. I have been researching both municipal and county laws regarding the issue. Apparently I cannot even discharge a pellet gun within Overland's city limits. So the shooting of anykind idea is out. I also imagine the paintball idea may be similar, and even if it isn't, if someone saw me shoot a cat with a paintball gun, I am sure they would call the police for animal cruelty. So, again, shooting is out. I also have looked up scheduling for Overland's city council meeting, which I will attend as soon as there is another meeting. The woman that babysits my daughter will also be attending as well as a few of the people who signed her petition. Hopefully this can spur some sort of action to be taken. Muddy, I have done quite a few web searches over the last few months regarding the matter. I posted this thread hoping that someone may have an idea that I have not come across on your run of the mill web search. But, pertaining to some of the information in your search link: I keep my property as clean as possible and have made sure there are no spaces the animals can use for shelter. Unfortunately, one of my neighbors is not quite so neat and I am certain his backyard is a great place for at least a few of them to hide. I could use some of the sprays that are listed, however, almost biweekly reapplication is required in most cases. A single bottle of the stuff costs at least $20.00 in my neck of the woods at my local hardware store. That's going get pricey awfully fast and is not even completely guaranteed to work. Fluke, I am not certain if anyone in the vicinity is feeding the cats. If they were, I am not even sure they would admit it for fear of recourse from the city code enforcer since he left all of those notices on everyone's doors. One thing about this area is there are many people around here with bird feeders. Easy predation of the birds may be keeping them in the area. I will try to convince my wife and neighbors to try an experiment and remove the feeders for a short period to see if it helps alleviate the problem. I think the safest, most practical, and cheapest course of action for me to take will involve trapping the animals myself with the cooperation of the local animal control department. I will call them this afternoon to see if there is anyway something similar to what Grimlin described can be set up. I will also try to call Overland's animal control/rabies/code enforcer to bother him again about setting up additional traps. If I don't get anywhere with either of these phone calls, I will just have to call as many animal shelters, vets offices, etc., as I can to see if they are taking the cats. If they aren't, I am not really sure what I am going to do with the animals. Some of them I have seen are kind of sickly looking while others are a bit on the aggressive side. So I am not to sure if an animal rescue agency of some sort would take the animals, but I suppose that will be another avenue to look into.
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