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Everything posted by Capt.Bob

  1. This is three of my favorite low profile
  2. Yep, if you watch the used "B's" in mint condition are starting to pull better prices, and if the B model's are discontinued, it will cost even more to get one. I just sold 4 Stradic's 3-FI's I got more than I paid for them, 1-MgFB I got within $30.00 of what I paid for it 4 years ago. It cost me less than $5.00 a reel to replace the older ones, CRAZY! The FJ's are what I replaced them with and they are a much nicer reel. if you can say any reel is nicer than a Stradic in any model. The Curado was a different story, I upgrade every couple model upgrades, waited on the G series and was so disappointed I sold my 200B's and a D after trying a new Lew's and replaced them all with Lew's. I think this was the first time in over 30 years of owning all Shimano they come out with a new model and it was a downgrade!!! I have 4 Calcutta's, 2-400B's and 2-200's B and GTB. I don't think I will ever upgrade, Time will tell as if I had waited I would have seen there were many that were disappointed in the Curado G, I cant believe the finest round reel in the world would ever have a new model introduced that wasn't an upgrade, granted I have think there are some things that would be nice to have, but don't think they incorporated them into the D. I just don't see a big enough change to take a chance, I love my B's CT, and the CTE is still the top model.. I know how they could do them without making the reel bigger and this is what I wish mine did! The line guide for one thing is very close to the spool, and being a disengaging level wind reel 50, 100, 200, the 400 and 700 don't disengage, the line guide needs to float when the spool is disengaged for casting, or when the spool is reversing and line is paying out against the drag. Then there would be an upgrade!!! More bearings I can add, that is just not what I call an upgrade. and it's a round reel, so side plates are side plates, you can't make it ergonomic enough to palm like you can a low profile.
  3. Absolutely, or all my reels would be Calcutta's, and why I like the Lew's, for finesse type baitcasting. I have big paws but the Lew's smaller frame's with plenty of line capacity is a perfect fit for my paw, I wrap my paw clear around the real for better feel, so exposed rod blank under the reel seat is important also, and the smoothness of the Lew's adds to the sensitivity I get with this type of reel. If I am crank'n or using the reel where sensitivity isn't as critical, I WILL be using my Calcutta's! love them bullet proof round reels!
  4. Berkley Trilene XL, XT, and Big Game, just decide what you want it for, and one of these will do it well.
  5. the 200A is clear coated with die-cast aluminum 1 piece frame and 2BB w/1roller bearing and a 5.0:1 gear ratio I am not sure on the 200A but the 100 had a 4 pin centrifugal brake. As for the 200B, it has a gold anodized finished one piece cold forged aluminum frame, 3BB w/1roller bearing and 6.0:1 gear ratio and has a 6 pin centrifugal brake. Calcutta reels are some of the most rugged reels Shimano makes.
  6. X3, no, unless you clean it and start fresh. That is when you realize what it is truly capable off.
  7. Deep crank'n I call 15'+, I love the AVC70MM ST. Croix. Avid, works great for me, if I was going to run 20+ maybe think about the AVC70HM, but think it is a little heavy for Bass.
  8. No doubt, a straight pull right off a reel and at one third the breaking strength, might be ok for an XF rod with little bend and the handle angle at 90 degrees to the line, but the more the rod bows as in a very moderate action and the more you increase the handle angle to the line the more the poundage at the reel is increased by the force being broken over each eye at a more severe angle, and although the more experienced fisherman know this and use the power and action of their rod to apply more drag and less drag as required to fight and land their opponent it take time and experience to realize just how much you can get away with. I have set so many different rod's and lines up over the years I know where to start by feel and then as the fight requires use leverage applied by changing the angle from the rod to the fish to put the proper pressure on the fish I am fighting at the time. It is just part of fishing that makes you a better fisherman than a beginner once you have the experience an know what and when to use it, and the only way to get good at it is fish, fish , and more fish..
  9. I thought spooling machines were what the factories used to fill 50 spools at a time, If you think you need a machine to put line on a reel properly, your making fishing WAY TO DIFFICULT!! I would bet me and my pencil, wooden doll, rifle cleaning rod, or what ever, can probably do it better than the store can!! Fact!! It's fishing, make it simple!! And remember how well you were casting before the big heave, snap casting or whipping the rod to gain extra distance is probably the biggest mistake new to baitcasting, casters do. The best line I can think of for a beginner is TRILENE BIG GAME, in my opinion it is ideal to learn on. It is very economical, I just bought a 1/4 lbs. spool at bass pro, like others have said 1/4 Lbs. spool is less than $9.00, less than 1 cent a yard, and that will fill your reel 7 times, maybe 8, so it cost less than $1.25 to fill your reel. In all honesty by then you should have your reel down. the good thing about Big Game is, there are plenty of lines that cast better and many that cast worse, so it is a little stiffer and kinda like a premium Fluoro, and as far as that goes still good enough to fish every day if your going to run Mono. The one thing I think it does as good as any other line, and better than most limper premium mono is, it has excellent abrasion resistance!! Hard to beat for abrasion resistance, and my favorite mono to use for leaders off of braid!
  10. I'd take the Core anyday over zillion, but for the price of either of those, I'd take the same features and a few more and go with - 2 - Lew's Tournament Pro's, same size as the lighter Core 6.7 oz., better drag 14lbs., more line capacity than the Core, and nicer handle and ergonomics! and be welcomed to the hole in the wall gang!! bring your posse, is that spelled correct??
  11. Ah I see, and I agree, that is why I don't have over 20 Legends!! Money, and I agree, sometimes we all have to settle for what we can afford, and that is my case, if money were no option I would have all legends, I know it isn't always a big enough difference to spend the premium price for the best, but if price were equal, St. Croix would never sell an Avid. I like my Avids and I like em enough, that if I could the only Loomis I own would be traded for an Avid. an IMX 6' LF
  12. I have to post again here as I finally figured out this Legend ain't good enough????????? I had a freind a couple years ago tell me how sorry his legend was compared to his Avid, and wasn't as good as his premier either??? I couldn't believe someone on morphine couldn't tell how much better a legend was, but when he showed it to me he was right, it was a dog compared to the Avid. The reason was that was all it was a legend series!!! not a Legend Elite or Legend Extreme, or (Legend Ultra, fly rod only) !!!!! At one time St. Croix made a very inexpensive line called a Legend Series, many who aren't as familiar to St. Croix as some of us Croix Boy's, think they are the top end Elites and Extremes, sorry the price should have been the giveaway.. If it Blank Material ain't SCIV, or SCV or better it ain't the real Legend!!! So I will make this clear, you can't find a tip heavy Legend Elite or Legend Extreme, and I will assure no avid in the same length and power/action, will perform as well, or be as light, as strong and as sensitive as the Top End Legend Elite or Legend Extreme!! NO WAY, and I for one who owns over 20 Avids and Legends will take the high end Legend's every time over the Avids. I'm sorry but there ain't a better rod on the market in my book, Make mine Legend Elite, as I like full cork!! WORTH EVERY PENNY!! I will make an offer to anyone with a Legend Extreme or Elite, if you want to trade it for a better feeling to you Avid in the same length and power/action, I'll trade you even up if I have the same Avid, I'd love to own all Elites or Extremes and no Avids, so let me help you out! we'll see how many like the Avid more here!!
  13. I wouldn't run anything but Braid on any spinning reel for mainline because of these benefits, No Stretch so it gives instant hooksets and feel, It is much smaller diameter and cast like a dream, it has no memory so there is never a chance of it coiling like mono or fluoro, and I always use a leader with it, that way when I have a snag or break off, the only thing I loose is the leader, usually even if I use the same weight leader and it doesn't break at the lure the knot joining the leader is where it will break. This allows me to fish with all the benefits of braid much cheaper than mono, as I usually get 2 years out of the braid before I turn it around and use the unused end for another 2 years. if you run your reels this way you will have to spool with mono 4 times before you will with braid. I also would look at other options on the rod as the ugly stick leaves much to be desired for sensitivity and weight, any of the suggestions on the rods would be better,
  14. I just sold 2 on ebay this spring, one was a CU200B 3.8:1 the other a CU200B 5:1, both went for over $110.00, he got a great deal, put a Smoooth Drag Carbontex drag in it and a set of abec7 bearings in it and it will be a much better reel than the new G series! I charge $65.00 for that super tune and inspection clean and lube. That would make it a $85.00 Curado on steroids!! In my book as good as the D or E, both bullet proof reels.
  15. Thats easy enough http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lews-Speed-Spool-TS1HL-Left-Handed-Bait-Caster-Reel-6-4-1-/150861913851?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2320121efb
  16. what LMG said except, I like 5 or six wraps of mono then the whole spool filled with braid, I do this and can get 2 years on it, and since there is no memory, I turn it around and fish the brand new unused end for the next 2 years, 4 years on one spool of line, less than 5 bucks a year for line is cheaper than the cheapest mono! I may only get one year on it if its one of my reels I use heavy, but most go 2 years before turning it around, plus I have had over 30 pound catfish on Lake Erie take a crawler harness and was glad I had the extra line! just another option.
  17. I have used pay pal for 10 years and bought and sold professional camera equipment on ebay costing as much as $7,000.00, never had a problem, it is probably safer than writing a check that has your account number and routing number on it for everyone that touches it to see! I think pay pal is the safest way to send money on the internet, period. If you are going to buy a reel on ebay, there are plenty that have been selling for years that have 1000's of feedback to view so you know they are reliable and honest, more so than the one in one thousand buyers that leave them trash feedback!! Like this guy, he has left and right hand. http://www.ebay.com/...=item3cbf70a3f4 or take your chances hear, might save a buck??? http://www.ebay.com/itm/310418245959?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  18. I wouldn't spend $120.00 when I can have this, you won't find a reel close to this price with these features or quality, well worth the extra $19.00. bigger drag, more bearings, and dual breaking, titanium line guide, much better reel than the $99.00 Speed Spool, Just go hear and be assured you will be happy! http://www.ebay.com/...=item231f7de7b6
  19. XXXXX Avid 7' MF it won't be a Legend Elite, but you will be happy with it, excellent for what you say you want it for. better warranty, better material, better sensitivity than the premier, for about $60.00 more.
  20. Do yourself a favor and get the 8 weight for bass, it will work well for Blues and Reds also. I have a S.C. Legend Ultra 9' 7wt. with a Redington 7/8 LA fly reel on it, and will say the 7wt. rod I wish was 8wt. for Bass, especially when you consider I mostly fish top water poppers and weedless mice in and near weeds, 4 and 5 lbs bass are a hand full on 7wt. in heavy weeds. I don't fish for Reds or Blues But assure you if I want a 8 weight for bass I know I'd rather have it for the Blues and Reds, and thats light for them. For pan fish and smaller trout, even 6 weight is overkill. Save up and buy a 4 or 5wt rig for that, I like the 4wt. Just what I have found, wish I woulda got the 8wt. and that along with my 4wt would have covered all my needs and done everything well! The rig you ask about I would not recommend, others have given some better, much better suggestions for close to the same money. Good luck, you will love catching Bass on a fly rod!!
  21. I have tried a couple different bearing upgrades, both abec7 ceramics, and found a little to be gained, not a lot but a little, mostly on the lighter end throwing under 1/2 oz, as with most the 5/8 mand up didn't see much gain. Like all reels you gain a little noise with the ceramic, but gain a little smoothness also. The Lews seem to come with pretty good bearings right out of the box, but I got better performance after I flushed them and run some secret sauce in them, and am sure any of the lighter premium bearing lubes would show some benefit. Since they are stainless even the best can be improved a little with quality ceramics. Weather the small increase in performance is worth the price, that would depend on individual! I just happen to do this as a job so I want mine at peak performance as a sample. You have to decide how good is good enough, and these reals are very good right out of the box! But I think the drag needs some help. Unlike the Shimano, that will generally match, or have slightly more stopping power than it is rated to have, and run smooth light to lock down, the Lews won't make it's factory rated max. I have tested a Team, a Tournament Pro, and a Tournament, and instead of the 14lbs. they are rated for. I'm only getting slightly over, or under, 10lbs with all three. this is plenty for most, but one reason I went with the Lews, was I wanted the 14lbs. they say they have, and although there very smooth at the light and medium settings at full lock down not as smooth on start up. I have fixed that by lubing the drag, as it is dry from the factory. These were all new reels this spring, so I don't know about earlier reels but that's what they were putting out from reels that were arriving this spring. I will try upgrading the drag with the same washers I use in the shimano reels, if I get as good a results as I do with the shimano the Lews drag will get close to the rated max braking power they advertise, and will be butter smooth light to max, same as I get with the Shimano. The thing stopping it from reaching the Max poundage it is rated for, I believe, is the bottom washer under the drive gear. It is a totally different material than the washers on top of the drive gear which are carbon, I don't know why else the two different materials??. Plus they run it dry, so it is smoother once some drag grease is applied, I think this bottom washer, which is smaller, is different to keep a smoother start up to make up for the dry drag with the type washers being used. I know when I replace the Shimano washers from the Dartainium, with my upgraded washers, I always run em wet with my favorite drag grease, this makes the Shimano run like butter from light drag to full lock down, and I gain 1 1/2 to 2 lbs more stopping power. So when I run a few drag upgrades I will let everyone know how that works out.
  22. The FG was agreat reel when it came out, and today can be compared to most other spinning reels and still come out on top. But that reel was made over 10 years ago, and has been improved with 3 other models. FH, then the FI, and now the FJ which as others have said, it just can't be compared to the others. If you want to try and compare an older Shimano, you would have to compare a Sustain, and as others have said and it is true, the new Stradic is smoother and stronger, you simply cant compare an older Sustain or Stradic to the FJ, it is that good. If you like the FH you won't believe the FJ, and as I said the new ones can be had for under $135.00. The difference is even bigger with heavy pressure on it and a drag that compares "ONLY" to the better level winds.
  23. the new Saros is made with a new material supposedly stronger than what was used on the old Stradic and Thunus, the new material is supposedly much stronger and from what I've read stiffer??? make mine aluminum! Here is a little description from a review for the new Saros. "The newly updated Saros FA will debut at ICAST and is designed to offer a lot of what makes Shimano spinning reels so popular at an aggressive $139.99 price point. While the current Saros features an aluminum construction this new reel follows the Stradic CI4 and makes use of a new graphite composite material. This new graphite is called “XGT7” and is designed to be lightweight but also extremely durable. How durable? Shimano says the XGT7 material is 200% stronger than the material used in the CI4." I have one Saros I bought when it first came out and have to say, at that time it was every bit as smooth as my Stradics, I would think the new reel would only have to be as smooth as the newer Stradics, I have only seen pictures of the new Saros, but thought the new stamped one piece bail looked a little cheesy??? only judging from a picture. One thing Shimano did different is dropped that salt water T handle on the 3000 size reel (bravo), and put the same handle knob the 2000 FI used, the 4000 FI shared the saltwater T handle knob with the 3000 FI and it was over kill. I like it on the 4000 but not the 3000, which is the same frame as the 2000, then the new 2000 FJ now has the same handle knob as the 1000???? I don't get it, same size reel as the 3000 and the 2000 FI had a great handle on it, why would you not put the same handle on both reels, the only difference in the 2000 and 3000 is the spool holds more line, and the handle knob, that's it. The reason mine are 1000, 3000, and 4000, I'd rater have the 2000 spool so maybe I will just buy a spare spool in the 2000 size for my 3000 reels, since Shimano has decided to quit furnishing spare spools! I think its just to confuse us!!!!
  24. I earlier said it was a new Carbon material used in the Saros, I should have said graphite. Sorry for the confusion but here is a little exert from a new review of the Saros, "The newly updated Saros FA will debut at ICAST and is designed to offer a lot of what makes Shimano spinning reels so popular at an aggressive $139.99 price point. While the current Saros features an aluminum construction this new reel follows the Stradic CI4 and makes use of a new graphite composite material. This new graphite is called “XGT7” and is designed to be lightweight but also extremely durable. How durable? Shimano says the XGT7 material is 200% stronger than the material used in the CI4." I agree with others, Id rather have the Stradic FJ, but if someone uses there gear in salt water, the new Saros might appeal to them. Or those wanting to trim a couple tenths of an oz.
  25. Hope it does, as I also think the Revo would have been the better reel for deep crankin only. But you got a stellar deal, and if you want to get your money back that will be no problem, you can probably get enough to pay for the line and another pop, can't beat it at that price! HAPPY CRANKIN!
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