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About tkite16

  • Birthday 07/01/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lees Summit Missouri
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake of the Ozarks

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Optimum baits Opti shad
  2. Toray did supply for them. Best fluorocarbon made if you haven't tried it.
  3. Get Denali rods and do both
  4. IMA Flit stays pretty shallow.
  5. Solar Bat Grey/Blue mirror for bright sunshine.
  6. All sizes of Reins tungsten. They sell them at Tackle Warehouse. Best there is.
  7. I wear solar bat and love them. They also do prescription lenses.
  8. I'm using a Denali 7ft Med action crank bait rod with square bills and I love it.
  9. 1 IMA Flit jerk bait 2.Reins Ax Claw creature bait 3 Wiggle Wart 4 Red Eye shad 5 Optimum Baits. OPTI shad 6 Culprit Worm 7 Rick Clunn trickster spinner bait 8 Omega custom jig 9 Omega buzz bait 10 IMA shaker
  10. Reins Axe Claw
  11. IMA shaker is an awesome bait as well
  12. I'm using a Denali Rosewood and loving it. Its in your price range as well. I think once you get out of the under $100 price range rods most companies are offering solid quality.
  13. I Really like omega jigs
  14. When I got my first boat. We were at table rock. Boat ran good all day till we were ready to leave. I tried to start it and it wasn't getting fire. We took all spark plugs out and checked them and couldnt find it. Paid a guy $80 to pull me in. Got home dropped it off at the shop. He called me before I got home said the boat was fixed to come get it. When I got there he said. "Do you know what a kill switch is"? I wanted to crawl under a rock.
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