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Everything posted by DrewD44

  1. Not "Eastern" but Wachusett Res and Watershed Dead slow until yesterday morning, very active smashing TW Frogs and Lizzy before 7:30 after that SF DK worm was getting good action on DS. Big was 3.4 w/ average of just under 2. Going to head out that way in a few and hit the rail trail area near the pumphouse. Couple things I wanted to ask. for work I am being forced to stay closer to Boston for on call durty for a few weeks in July far away from my area of comfort. Any easy suggestions around the city or inside 495?
  2. 5 - 6 days a week on average.
  3. Been very nice fishing in the shallow bodies off the watershed. Nothing of any amazing size. Below is right around the biggest I dragged in this morning (did not get a weight, im a bad guess so i dont.) in driving rain on a CB. Also hitting pumpkin seed and darker lizzy and brush hogs hard. Pickerel are out of control in some spots, this am in heavy rain between 545 and 630 they were just killing dark lizzy. Last 6 to 7 days most of my LgMB action has been about 7A - 9A then slows down a bit. Just failed so far to get anything over 5lbs so far. Just a note to anyone who hits any area around the Wachusett I have been filling up trashbags daily as it seems some folks like to use soda can sun fish trapps leaving dead fish and trash all over Stone and Paradise Ponds. Try and grab these and toss them away and if you see someone setting em.... (Do what you feel is right) 17 years never seen so much trash.
  4. How is it going everyone. Use the site alot when I am in a rut figured it was time to join on. I fish the flooded quareys and shallows of the Wachusett Res Watershed. through W. Boylston, Boylston, Sterling, Clinton and surronding area. Been in my same spots for the past 17 years (even at 29 doing anything for 17 years makes me feel old) Anyone in the area wants to wet the line I am always game. Drew
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