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Everything posted by tsw3288

  1. where are stripers loacted at when in a drought condition like many of us are in
  2. I am in terre haute indiana and looking for a good large mouth and small mouth bass lake , and is there any striped bass in the lakes as well
  3. as most of the country is in a severe drought and when the temps get 90 degrees and above it is hard to catch bass or crappie or even walleye , What do you reccomend us to use. (The temps get hot the fish turn off ) and how soon will it take for the fish to get active again when the drought ends
  4. I love th eberkley Power worm tequila sunrise , I catch more bass on it then any other worm
  5. I have been given lures in the past by my friends and they said they caught alot of bass on these lures , I would use them for a while and then I find out they are salt water lures not freshwater lures and then I told my friends they kinda laughed at me for not knowing , my brother gave me some lures and told me how to use them and I caught bass . Have this ever happened to you.
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