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    <p>Cushing OK</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. originally from Oswego NY now Cushing OK is home
  2. I bought a humminbird legend off ebay and when I use my trolling motor at low speed it goes nuts. I have done everything rerouted the wires, moved finder, seperate batteries, ground wire to t/m shaft etc. emailed humminbird and they said must be trolling motor : I didn't have that problem with my old finder and they won't do anything about it. my suggestion is to avoid the legend 2005 they are selling on ebay
  3. they have a good selection here http://www.directboats.com/index.html also if you have any farm/home stores around you check with them I know attwoods out here sells them for about 3-400
  4. if you want to change it from the original try http://www.waytekwire.com/ We just found them at work because we need to start replacing aux. fuse panels in police cars and they have great prices on everything electrical.
  5. check with http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=5002 http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=6970&productId=1063&R=1063
  6. I am originally from Oswego NY where we had lake ontario and several other choices to fish along with ice fishing. I hadn't fished up there for years.Moved out here to Cushing OK(about mid way between Tulsa and OKC) about 4 years ago because we were sick of long winters and high cost of living. I got back into fishing and fish ponds,cushing lake,Boomer lake in stillwater, chandler, bell cow, mcmurtry lake stroud lake.
  7. here in Oklahoma its 20 for a license plus 5 bucks for a mandatory "legacy" permit(pays for the land the wildlife department bought) 5-15 for a trout permit and then more for a lake texoma license. I'm getting a liftime fishing license for my birthday for 225 + I think its 25 one time charge for the legacy permit. Prices have gone up every year for the last 4 I have lived here, so it will pay for itself eventually.
  8. I have a 1978 Kenzie Kraft 16' fibergalss stick steer 2 livewells 55hp Rude and a 56 lb trolling motor. not pretty and it beats bank fishing or fishing in my buddys 12 jon boat that "sweats" pretty bad
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