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About j-bass

  • Birthday 02/14/1980

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    RGV, TX
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  1. A man is chillin' at home when he looks at his window. He is flabbergasted to see a gorilla in his tree. Freaking out, he calls 911....they hang up on him. Still freaking out, he thumbs through the yellow pages and, lo-and-behold, there is a gorilla removal service. He calls the number and about 15 min later a man shows up in his truck and gets out with a gun, a dog, and a net. The gorilla removal guy tells the scared man, "ok, I'm going to need a little help here....this is what we are going to do. I'm going up in that tree and I'm going to shake the branches. When that gorilla falls out of the tree, my dog here is going to run over there and bite its b@lls off. At that point, I can hop on down and put the net over the gorilla...you got it?" The man says, "yes" and the other man hands him the gun and starts to walk away. Confused, he has to ask, "what do I need the gun for?" He says, "In the off chance that the gorilla knocks me out of the tree....you shoot that godd@mn dog!"
  2. Stand By Me Boondock Saints
  3. buster shadow
  4. I don't log on that much anymore, but that was the funniest crap I've heard in a good while...thanks
  5. The latest headlines.....nice http://www.newschannel5.tv/2008/8/13/996362/Agencies-Working-to-Remove-Poisonous-Fish
  6. guitar here...play for a local band vids ---> I'm on the far right
  7. dumbest joke ever.... A frog walks into a bank, looking for a loan. He strolls up to the teller, Patty Whack, and asks her for a $20,000 loan to go on vacation. Ms. Whack tells the frog that loans of that size are not usually granted. So, that frog says, "here, I can offer this small, porcelain elephant as collateral." The teller, with a confused look on her face, asks the frog, "is there anything else you can offer?" He says, "well, my father is Mick Jagger." Not knowing what to do, Ms. Whack goes to the bank manager and explains, "hey, this frog is in here asking for a $20,000 loan to go on vacation. He says his father is Mick Jagger and he is offering this little, porcelain elephant as collateral...I don't get it." The boss replies..."its a nick-knack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His 'ole man's a Rolling Stone." sorry
  8. ...ahh the ever-relenting question of..."how can I help someone, without sounding like a *****? Help when you really think the help is wanted. As a teacher, I have to face this choice on a daily basis. Some people simply 'don't want to be helped'. Its a cynical and crappy way to look at life, but it is true. Be nice when the opportunity arises, but don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. A person, with even modest interpersonal skills, can figure this out.
  9. This is coming from an English teacher....the level of ignorance exuded by today's youth is unprecedented...the lack of higher education exhibited by today's 'middle class' is unacceptable. I love the fact that the internet can be a source of unlimited information; however, I feel that it has become an impending source of laziness throughout the populous. As an addendum, it is fine, but as a source for actual education, I feel that the system is flawed. Microsoft Word is great for people trying to write a message to their friends, but if you want to be taken seriously, you need to come across as an intelligent and up-to-speed, individual. So what, great, thanks to MSW or the equivalent, you can sound as distinguished as a Nobel laureate...it doesn't make you any smarter. These kids don't know their own a.s.s. from a hole in the ground. ...in essence....think, process, and then produce. Don't let loose an endless stream of incomprehensible BS. Make sure that when people read your post, they take you seriously. That is what is all about. Don't come across as a dumba$$. I think all this post represents is an incentive to try harder to make the site more honorable. If a random person happens upon this site and sees a thread abound with misspellings and grammatical errors, how do you think people will perceive this site? There is a bad enough stigma surrounding people with our shared tastes...no sense in propagating stereotypes.
  10. With any P2P program, you stand the risk of getting viruses. Look at the file type and size before downloading and make sure you have up-to-date anti-virus protection (I like AVG free). Limewire is good for downloading individual songs, while Shareaza is good for bulk downloads. With Shareaza, you can get the corpus of work from a particular artist, organized by album and year, in one go (search applications for artist name). Remember...check file size. 2,000-7,000 kbs for most songs, up to 13,000 kbs for longer works (Pink Floyd, Rush) A discography (corpus of work) can be anywhere from 700 Mbs to over 2 gigs.
  11. Hey, people, its been a while since I have been on, but I wanted to share some things. video of hurricane Dolly in Brownsville, TX follow link -> trip to the Arroyo (Arroyo City, TX) (ignore dates - batteries changed)
  12. Hows it goin' people......I know its been forever since I have been on, but things have been hectic and the fishing has been non-existent. But..the summer is here, work is over on saturday and I'll be d@mned if I don't get some fishing in. I just bought a house on the water, but I havn't been able to catch squat yet (unless you count submerged trees...to which I've already lost 4 lures :'( ). I plan on being more active this summer, so be expecting some pics. peace -J
  13. Due to work, and the band, and problems w/ my now ex-chick I've been out for a while. Well, I just wanted to drop in and wish everybody a safe and happy holidays. I hope to be back into the swing of things soon. - J
  14. When I first saw this I was stoked........now that I'm teaching, Ive got some extra bucks, and I figured the time frame would land during our spring break...........but I just checked it out: SB 12-16 :'( hopefully next time.
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