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About Deuceu72

  • Birthday 07/04/1972

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Lucky Craft Staysee.
  2. Bandit 100 series in Chartruese with black back..............
  3. I hardly ever "reapply" to a bait...........I usually will go through a tube in a year and a half..........keep in mind that I do live in Colorado so i dont get to fish from Nov-April or so...........except when I go to the Co State Team Tourny @ Amistad!! Whoo-hoo!! I cant wait for the end of Feb!!
  4. I swear by this stuff. i always apply to soft plastics.......and jigs including the skirt..........To keep the skirt for clinging together, just pull your fingers through the strands from top to bottom.........
  5. I live in Denver so, you do have someone here from Co!! I am a member of the DenverBassmasters and a member of the 5280 Bass Hunters. I have been to Sawhill quite a bit, but I also fish Chatfield, Horsetooth and Pueblo a lot! Send me a mail if you want to know anything!!!
  6. Totally missed the point of the post.
  7. Long time watcher of wrestling here...........They do actually cut themselves.............its called "bladeing" They hide small pieces of razor blade in the tape they wrap the wrists, arms, etc with...........they get hit in the head with a chair or whatever, put their hands up, and cut themselves...........A small cut is all it takes as head wounds bleed a lot. and just my .02................I can never condone what chris did. Horrible................. And wrestling is NOT fake. It's scripted. There is a difference. Anyone who saw HHH's thigh muscle roll up his leg on tv cannot say that was fake, or watched Sid vicious break his leg. Let any of those guys pick you up over their head and slam you down on that mat and then tell me how fake it is. They do know the outcome before they ever "wrestle" but the moves and the hard knocks are real for sure...........A very grueling profession as you do it night after night.........200 days a year or so.............. What Benoit did was unforgivable though. What a shame.
  8. Jig-n-pig/ Shaky head Zoom Trick worm
  9. 1/4 oz Shaky head with a green pumpkin trick worm dipped in garlic dip-n-glo...........Shhhhh...........Dont tell anyone........... ;D
  10. 6'6" Med-Hvy, fast or xtra fast action.................works for me. ;D
  11. Hmmmmmmm...................I see people are catching on to my Invisxx secret...........best fluro out there IMO. I will also add that I have tried and like the new P-line Halo.............
  12. Black-n-Blue..........and I always use a rattle..............
  13. Well, I would love to take the challenge, but as I am fishing a tournament, I'd better stick to what I know will work...........I will take the challenge the next weekend! ;D
  14. I smoke as well and I have no issues at all.................2 magic words for you.........Mega-Strike......... ;D
  15. If you cannot get the hook out without hurting the fish, cut your line as close to the bait as possible and let em go, then retie a new bait and your good to go.
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