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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. Fishinthedacks, can you please elaborate on the red highlighted text. I may learn something new on what you have to say. Yesterday for example, the place I went to fish in the everglades usually has a lot of gators. Fishing was ok, but we only saw a handful of gators, when in the same area last month we saw a lot more.
  2. Nice fish Czar, good to see you around.
  3. Why didn't you txt me!!! I would have been able to give you live up to date pointers. I have fished MM35 with yesterday's conditions many a time, I could have helped you put maybe a few more in the boat. Next time... Mutt
  4. That's true Mutt. That spot I put you on today, last week same time, you would have quadrupled today's number. Today was not an easy day unfortunately. I guess that's why they call it fishing. Sounds like you both had a good time, and that was the main goal.
  5. I also went out today. I went out with my BIL from 9am - 6:30pm . We started a little farther than Mutt did. We went up to the Holeylands. We fished there from 9am to 12. Fishing was SLOOOW. We boated only 5 fish heaviest going for 1.5lbs. All on spinnerbait. After that we picked up and launched on US 27. We fished there from 12:30 - 6:30pm. The fishing there was night and day. We boated an additional 28 fish which is still low, however the quality was much better. The weights ranged from 1lbrs, several 2-2.5lbrs, a couple of 3's and one 5.5lbr. The best part for us was that all our catches from there were on top water frog. The hits were unbelievable. So the totals for today were 33 boated fish and countless more misses and fish throwing the hook. Here are some pics. 5.5 lbr ^^^^^ the majority of the fish were running this size ^^^^^
  6. Mutt, sorry your day was not has productive as we planned for. Conditions were tough today. Bluebird skies for the majority of the morning until some clouds showed up in the afternoon. Also full moon. Sometimes the days we pick are the same days the fish decide to take off.
  7. Congrats Pitboss!! Enjoy!! Fishing for you will definitely, be different now.
  8. Awesome!! another S.Floridian on board. Welcome
  9. Good choice CYP. You got a a great reel, and maximized your purchase with a nice rod to compliment the reel.
  10. First off good job Backyard bandit. Nice fish, Coral Springs has a good fishery, unfortunately for me the distance is too much. What amuses me is that your report got the attention of 2 members that have not posted on here for quite a while. LOL... Basshunter954, where have you been dude?? It's been at least 2 yrs that I have not seen you. The other member knows I am talking about him. LOL.. We fished lake coral springs together.
  11. If an individual has the means and good fortune to afford high caliber equipment, I say why not. Those Metaniums look really nice. I saw one at BPS today. $499 price tag not my cup of tea right now. But those new Curado I's on the other hand.....
  12. Mark.. LOL... that looks like a croc on the right.... Those on the other hand, I would stay clear from. We had reports of 2 Nile crocs not so long ago that were released in the Glades. FWC put a shoot on site for them.
  13. I must be one of the minority, on this thread. First off, I didn't even know BPS had time shares. I live between two BPS and the staff in both stores have been extremely helpful every time I have needed or looking for something. As far as baits and terminal tackle, for my liking they have everything I need.
  14. I understand where you coming from being from another part of the country where alligators don't exist. You will be ok . just follow the simple tips I provided and your good. Have a productive trip.
  15. No, it doesn't quite work like that. If a gator is approaching you will see it coming full speed ahead. LOL. It's not the movie Lake Placid that a monster gator pops out of the water and tears your arm off going after your fish. LOL...
  16. I will be fishing amongst gators tomorrow in the Glades. You get used to them. Just don't taunt them with food of any kind or any fish that you catch. Then you will have a problem on your hands. As long as you leave them alone and respect them they will usually not mess with you. They are impressive to look at. Especially those 10-11 footers. They are massive animals.
  17. Jellyman, you are still having a tough time up there huh? When do you graduate and find more productive waters?
  18. Geo G, too bad tech is not your thing, well.... me neither ...lol my wife is my tech support. If the BR members see what you catch on your afternoon "outings" they would go nuts!!!
  19. There is no kill order on jaguars. They are just another exotic that we have.
  20. That's a mudfish alright. They get pretty big in the glades. Sometimes they hit like a bass and it get's my juices going until I feel the death roll. That's when I know it a mudfish.
  21. Glad they are resolving your issue. Lews are great reels.
  22. I sure do like their red dot sales. You never know when something is going to get mark down.
  23. Lipless cranks, crankbaits, jigs. I know these catch nice bass, but they are not baits I have confidence in.
  24. When the water drops enough and we have drought conditions its GAME ON!!. We are talking 50-60 quality bass on frogs alone. It's sick.
  25. FSTR, good to see and hear from you again buddy. It's been a while.
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