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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. Very, very likely. People confuse the two all the time. There are mudfish galore in the glades. Big ones...
  2. Heck, NatGeo or Animal Planet showed a sweet bass inhaling a baby gator once. If the bass is big enough, and it thinks it's prey will fit in it's mouth, it's going for it.
  3. LOL.... the reel has served me well, and it has caught me hundred's of nice bass over the last few seasons, but I saw and palmed the new Curado and I just had to have to it as my frog reel.
  4. Cool dude, enjoy!! A little TLC and your all set.
  5. I left out the second part to the question. When I bank fish I use Booyah pond crasher. When I fish the glades I fish LiveTarget frogs and when they prefer consistent movement I will throw Zoom horny toads.
  6. The cover on the West side is different than the East side imho. My PB was caught there years ago.
  7. It tastes like chicken.... LOL.... wouldn't know what snakeheads tastes like.
  8. Sounds like a fun outing and adventure, best of luck. You picked a good season to do this trip. As far as gators are concerned, for the most part they will leave you alone if you do. If you happen to come across one that is more curious than normal and you are not comfortable. Put your trolling motor on hi, and leave the area.
  9. 1-7 the only area that I know of that holds snakeheads is on the North side of the border of WC2. The canal that runs North on the perimeter of Markham park that has the levy separating the glades with civilization. Has far as WC2 and US27 having snakeheads, I have yet to see or catch one. Don't sweat it too much, there are plenty of mudfish there and they fight almost the same.
  10. My current set up is a 7' 3" H, St. Croix LTB, on 50 lb PP braid on a Abu 2nd Gen SX. Very soon it's going to be a Shimano Curado I.....
  11. The water keeps dropping, and we continue in drought-like conditions and we are in for a stellar season.
  12. Excluding any tournaments you may have, drop off across the street to the West side. Really nice fish in there.
  13. I want to share with all of you a fascinating story that just occurred to me less than 20 min ago. Let me rewind to earlier today. I am hanging out with my wife and kids and my son knows that at certain part of the day I go fishing during the weekend. The time was approaching and my son says " Dad are you going fishing for nothing". I explained to my son, that I do not go fishing for nothing, you never know when you go fishing, and your next cast may be the biggest fish you ever catch. The conversation finishes and he walks away and says "Have fun fishing for nothing". Fast forward, I walk to my neighborhood canal throwing my trusty spinnerbait. I fish and fish and nothing is happening. The water is really stained and after an hour of fishing I have not caught anything. I make cast, swim the spinnerbait my special way, and then it happens...... the behemoth rears its head. In one second I see my spinnerbait swimming and the next this monster of a fish inhales my bait. GAME ON... I say, and we begin to battle. She surges, I counter. Then I realize I am on the high ground of the canal and there is no way to land this fish without my breaking my rod or popping my leader. So I make a dash to a low clearing while fighting the fish. We at one point cross paths. When I reached the low ground I controlled her from jumping successfully and then she surged, I countered, she surged again away and parallel to the shore to an out crop of limestone and then!!!! it was over.... the line went dead. When I reeled up my line, and felt it, I knew what happened. She went against the limestone and sheared off the line. I have caught some nice bass over the years, but that one would have/or could have been my personal best. I do not get heart broken often when I fish, but this one hurt. Once the line went dead, all I could here was " Dad are you going fishing for nothing"..... LOL.... what are the odds of my son and I having that conversation and the big one getting away all on the same day.... Now I just need this kid to give me six magic numbers... LOL...
  14. Your art work is impressive.. LOL
  15. Google earth will be your friend. Pembroke/Miramar area has tons of areas to fish that are non-residential.
  16. I don't believe so. But then again, when I am fishing soft plastics/ jigs I always use megastrike. When the bite stops, I evaluate what could be happening. You were having some success with the different jig combo's. Did you stay in the area or did you cover a lot water? Was there a cover change? Tropical and Amelia parks have similar lakes. I find that if the fish are relating to some sort of cover on that day, let's say for example grass, I would continue looking for grass and not focusing around the outcrops of limestone rock that these lakes have, or vice versa.
  17. Wolf pack of LMB and/or Peacock bass you have ever seen? I had a cool experience today. As many of you know, I often fish canals in the Miami-Dade County area. Today I witnessed the largest concentration of Peacock bass and LMB swimming together. It consisted about 16+ plus fish. At least 12 peacocks and at least 4 LMB from what I could see swimming in unison in one large school. Has anybody ever seen school that big? Capt. Shane?
  18. Nice to see you finding a rhythm Pitboss. This time last month you were posting for help and now you are posting fish. Nice job, WTG!!
  19. I had an interesting outing today. First, for the first time ever I saw what I consider a monster pack. It consisted of at least 12 juvenile peacock's avg 1lb to 2lbs then in the back of that pack was a another pack of LMB. Which consisted from what I could see at least 4, avg 2.5 to 3.5lbs. Cast around them had some looks but no takers. They were heading somewhere. I then caught 2 nice bass, lost my spinnerbait. (Got to adventurous around some cover on the other side of the canal). Put on my replacement spinnerbait, caught 2 more bass, lost the main blade, so I switched again, different color, and got skunked. Then I lost that spinnerbait too. It was just one of those days..... LOL...
  20. You can call it what you want, mine is my little bag of essentials, which are baits that are tried true for my neck of the woods, taking into account the conditions and seasons. As far as baits, I carry: Frog, stickworms, fluke, spinnerbaits trickworm and centipedes. If I can't catch something with any of those baits its real baaaad day.
  21. That darn monkey sunk its claws so deep into me this time, that every email I receive i am thinking that my new Curado has shipped.... LOL...
  22. LMAFO, that's one of things you have to be ready for when your urban fishing. You never know when someone is going to drive up on you. I could start a whole thread with those stories. LOL..
  23. LOL... No... it was someone who saw me catch that fish. Once I released it, he drove off.
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