I want to share with all of you a fascinating story that just occurred to me less than 20 min ago. Let me rewind to earlier today. I am hanging out with my wife and kids and my son knows that at certain part of the day I go fishing during the weekend. The time was approaching and my son says " Dad are you going fishing for nothing". I explained to my son, that I do not go fishing for nothing, you never know when you go fishing, and your next cast may be the biggest fish you ever catch. The conversation finishes and he walks away and says "Have fun fishing for nothing". Fast forward, I walk to my neighborhood canal throwing my trusty spinnerbait. I fish and fish and nothing is happening. The water is really stained and after an hour of fishing I have not caught anything. I make cast, swim the spinnerbait my special way, and then it happens...... the behemoth rears its head. In one second I see my spinnerbait swimming and the next this monster of a fish inhales my bait. GAME ON... I say, and we begin to battle. She surges, I counter. Then I realize I am on the high ground of the canal and there is no way to land this fish without my breaking my rod or popping my leader. So I make a dash to a low clearing while fighting the fish. We at one point cross paths. When I reached the low ground I controlled her from jumping successfully and then she surged, I countered, she surged again away and parallel to the shore to an out crop of limestone and then!!!! it was over.... the line went dead. When I reeled up my line, and felt it, I knew what happened. She went against the limestone and sheared off the line. I have caught some nice bass over the years, but that one would have/or could have been my personal best. I do not get heart broken often when I fish, but this one hurt. Once the line went dead, all I could here was " Dad are you going fishing for nothing"..... LOL.... what are the odds of my son and I having that conversation and the big one getting away all on the same day.... Now I just need this kid to give me six magic numbers... LOL...