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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. You have options galore. Especially with Xmas sales and outgoing models. Good luck choosing. Lews, Shimano, Daiwa, that's a great problem to have. Happy shopping.
  2. A Christmas Story for me. I grew up watching that movie. Its hilarious.
  3. The fish grip is awesome. As far as hurting fish, as long as you place the grip in the proper location which is immediately behind the lip, it secures the bass pretty well and the bass is not going anywhere. As far as putting your finger between the grip.... i wouldn't advice you to do that again.
  4. Glades bring's up several good points. Fish can be caught on small plastics and swimbaits. All is not lost. Fish can be caught, its just that some days can be slower than others.
  5. The stock handle is 80mm.
  6. There isn't much advice to give unfortunately. You're using the right baits. Since your bank fishing, I would tell you to cover as much water as you can until you find active fish. I went out today for about 1.5 hrs walking the canals. Came across 2 nice bass but they refused to engage my bait. I would have had more success peacock fishing. Came across 5 nice pea's active around grass mats. I didn't have the right bait or outfit for them. This time of year the fish can be lockjawed for a while with all these passing fronts. Be patient until the weather stabilize and then give your waters a try. Good luck.
  7. A Dobyns 704 or 7ft Avid will work great for those applications.
  8. I have fished my new 50E twice since i got it back from a friend of mine that works on reels. He cleaned and tuned it up for me. I spooled it with 40lb braid and this reel can cast pretty far and its very smooth and quiet when retrieving. The 92mm Hawgtech handle really compliments it too!! I see this reel staying in my arsenal for a looong time.
  9. Unless you are using that knot for some saltwater presentation that lb of mono is pretty darn thick. Lol. If you tell me its 50lb braid with 12-15lb mono i would say 7 wraps up and 3 down, lube with spit and cinch down. You will have 0 problems with that knot and a much smaller profile than going 7 and 7.
  10. First, I make sure my spool tension dial is adjusted properly to my bait. Then, have 2 pins engaged and my magnetic dial set at 3.
  11. My definition of a dink is anything under 1.5lbs.
  12. Bass have started spawning already.At least in my area. When water temps cool down, and full moons are about, you see the spawning behavior begin. Just last weekend walking along the canals, i spotted 3 nesting sites with bucks and females very close by. One particular couple were spawning. The female could be seen trying to shake off and disperse her eggs.
  13. Welcome to b/c club. A spinner will be an after thought soon enough. (Although they prove useful for certain applications). I have turned a few people to b/c's, at first they were reluctant after some time they could't imagine their fishing without one.
  14. Basically there is nothing printed anywhere stating these mark downs? You have to go to the register and check to see if the items are marked down? Is this only for rods and reels or is this applying to baits as well?
  15. Nice fish Dwight!! Where in FL were you fishing?
  16. I wouldn't sweat this cold snap Snook. The cold snap of 09 that killed off alot of the exotics was a cold snap that basically lasted for 1 month. It's cool lately but not cold cold. We should be ok.
  17. I get the notification, however when I click on the icon to see who notified me its blank. Is this just happening to me?
  18. I just had the same thought creep into my head recently. LOL.. Didn't help that a buddy of mine really reinforced the idea. So I waited for BF and with the help from Tywithay a member from here and I found a brand new 50E for $150. Just got her back tuned up and upgraded with a 92mm Hawgtech handle and carbonex drag washers. I also have a couple of Curado I's but this little 50E intrigues me. I am excited to fish with it. Goodluck deciding .
  19. The one of the hardest hit I have had and landed was this 5lb this past May with my buddy MCS. I was quickly reeling in my frog to set up for another cast and as soon as I was going to lift the frog out of the water this bass came up right against the boat and slammed my frog!! Decent fish, could have sworn after the water cleared it was going to be bigger....
  20. Very common practice in hard to reach places.
  21. That's a decent size. They get alot bigger than that. They can be aggressive when your bait approaches their nests.
  22. For me down here in South FL, the ones that stick me the most if not careful, are big oscars and mayan cichlids.
  23. I have recently started seeing needle fish swim around the canals I fish in. I am about 6-7 miles inland from the beach and some interesting creatures swim in these canals. Last month a huge manatee scared the living you know what out me..... lol. It quickly surfaced took a breath and kept moving up the canal. Pretty cool.
  24. The last time I used hard baits my most productive baits were the F7 Rapala and Storms chug bug. They caught me plenty of fish years ago.
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