I have learned over the years to keep things simple and light!! I cover a lot of water when I bank fish. So carrying a back pack, sling pack, waist pack, etc full of stuff that more than likely will not be used, will weigh on you after a couple of hours. I know many would just place the bag on the ground and fish. But I don't fish like that. Everything is easily accessible to me in a sling pack. Picking up and putting down a bag constantly is PITA to me. If you really know your waters. You will know at any given part of year what baits will and will not work. So carry a "few" baits that have worked for you in the past during that time of year. As far as rods, i only carry one, and spool of yozuri, for leaders. My phone, a bottle of water, scale, ruler, pliers and a rag and I am good to go.