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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. I cannot confirm that individual is indeed Lgmouth since I have never personally seen him before. I only confirm Martin's identity.
  2. I don't know how the fishing has been down south, off the trail, however if its indicative of the alley its real slow. The water is extremely high. I have fished down there years ago. As far as safety goes, lock your doors. Theft is common, and unfortunately, a locked door, does not stop curious thieves. DO NOT leave any important belongings in your car.
  3. Lgmouth nice fish, that one should fatten up nice during the spawn.
  4. Man, you guys are doing awesome!! Also, I noticed you all are exact on your measurements. No messing around. I like it. Good luck this week to all of you.
  5. ZackD cool avatar! How did you do that?
  6. Caught this 15" a little while ago at the park. Took me a while, but toward the end of my trip, I finally dialed in one they want. I am confident to finally getting the 5th fish by Wed. Slowly but surely I am climbing. Hopefully I have enough time.
  7. Yeah, the hit on that video was unbelievable!!! Those that you least expect, scare the living crap out of you. Especially when they are big. Sounds like grenade blew up next to you.
  8. ZachD, I saw your status update. Catching up...? If you were relating to our tourney, you and I have some serious work to do. The heads of the pack are in the 80's and 90's.
  9. Down in my neck of the woods, the bass seem to be doing the same thing. Yesterday at the canal I was fishing, there were wolf packs of bass busting up the bait fish along the edges. one of the wolf packs was a group of 3 between the 3-5lbs. those would have seriously helped out my numbers, but they were pretty dialed in on what they wanted. They ignored everything I was throwing at them. Pretty frustrating.
  10. Finally!! Someone with priorities. AK, keep playing your game and watch one of your JAX posse beat you.
  11. Ak, did you see the thread on the 9lb 3oz bass hitting that frog? I think I saw you post. Anyways, the fish in my avatar struck the same way. It launched itself out of the water. Unfortunately, it wasn't a 9 lb bass, but I am ok for it being a 6Lb 3oz.
  12. Yeah Dynomyte, the only chance you got is by getting a line wet. LOL.
  13. Jaxbasser, just moved up to 5th place with 83" with 5 fish. WTG!!
  14. Correction the big fish was 21" not 23"
  15. Here are this weeks top 5 leaders. 1. AK (aka:deepdishpanda): 97" 5 fish 2. Tightlines Jax: 91" 5 fish 3. Dsidle61: 84" 5 fish 4. MCS: 83.5" 5 fish 5. CapitolIP: 79" 5 fish Big fish recognition so far goes to AK for a 23", 6lb 3oz fish. We have 1 more week left folks, anything could still happen.
  16. MG, imho, is great reel. It's a workhorse.
  17. Dwight set it all. Never set using circle hooks..
  18. It takes a while, but you are starting to get into them.
  19. AK, remember we corrected for ninja's. That's why we had a cutoff date to participate. I think the stage is set. However, TightlinesJax, can make something happen. With about a week left, I think the battle will be for 2nd and 3rd place, big fish can happen at any moment.
  20. That fish qualifies. As long as you have a pic and measurement of the fish its good to submit. You do not need a pic of the of the fish on the scale. Congrats, big fish and longest string all in the same month. That's awesome...... (Not really...)
  21. Dsidle, too bad you lost the big one, but now you know your on the right track.
  22. You would not be disappointed with the Lews or the Abu.
  23. Hi 3's - low 4's
  24. As far as big fish goes, no one has submitted any big fish nominations. So as it stands 1lb weighed fish with pic will win.
  25. AK, imagine my excitement with this spot I found. Then imagine my heartache when I worked this entire area, with a frog and zero fish decided to play.
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