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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. Rvadog, it depends on the day. The area looks great. It may be a topwater day all day, who knows. Start with the usual spread of baits you would typically use, and see what they like and go from there. I am sorry, I wasn't specific but fishing down here is not predictable sometimes.
  2. Yeah, I hate it down here in S. Fl. when you are targeting LMB and one these come along: Sorry... I couldn't resist. But slonezp, to answer your question, I can see when you are targeting a specific fish, and the fish you keep coming across is not the game your after, can be annoying.
  3. Zach I put your 2 fish down, nice to see you up on the board. Haven't seen you post for little bit.
  4. I had to watch it 2 more times and I laugh harder each time. Hilarious, Martin!! Bravo....
  5. ROFL.....LOL.....LOL.... Martin that was awesome!!! Thumb up the **** . Your killing me over here.
  6. Cute pic of your son, MCS. The bluegill he is holding looks exactly like the ones down here. The other one that you caught I have only seen in pics such as yours and from up North.
  7. MCS, those are some nice blue gill, they are darker up in Jax than they are down here.
  8. It's nice to see that we have such worldly group of hoodlums on this forum. LOL. Tightlines I documented your catch, your at 4 fish 72" MCS, congrats on getting on the board. I am jealous of the weather that you guys are having and I live in the same state!! Fishingator, I told you this competition would change the way you view fishing. LOL. Dynomyte , you will be missed, but its one less person I have to worry about competing with... LOL... just messing wih you. Dsidle, nice to see you posting, I was curious where were you.
  9. Now that's funny, did you play football?? It's amazing the things we do to land a fish. LOL.
  10. Funny you, say that, I actually grew up in the hood.
  11. I know I am down in the standings and that's ok, the month just got started, but its nice to see South FL representing for a change. Its not easy catching gangster fish down here!!
  12. I would have loved to see that catch. It isn't easy to catch those slimey fish. LOL.
  13. I stand corrected.. LOL, I knew it was too quiet today.
  14. Wow! you can tell LMG is serious if he is letting a fish touch the ground!!! People you have to bring your a game!! Just messing with you LMG, good job.
  15. Imposter!!!!! Those fish are touching the ground!!!! Sorry LMG, I had to do it. I will put down your catches. Actually... hold on... Congrats you have moved up to 2nd place at 88" you culled out that 16.5" fish. AWESOME!! Will the real LMG, pls stand up.
  16. Sometimes we get some early birds or night owls during the week. But you're right it's only Tuesday.
  17. Speaking of pressure LMG did you go out today after all?
  18. It's been a ghost town today folks. Did no one catch anything worth posting today across the state??
  19. Are you losing fish or not attracting fish? Big difference.
  20. I have had one of those Berkley spooling stations for eons. Very handy. Bill for spooling braid, just a little to moderate tension and you will be fine. Too much tension and it will dig in itself. Just like Mark said.
  21. St. Croix premier or a Carbonlite, spinning or casting. Carbon lite is much lighter than the premier though and on sale for $80 at BPS.
  22. George just go fishing. We get so caught up on stuff, that we forget to just go have fun. I guess if your tournament fishing then the opinion might be different.
  23. Once you get it down, it should take you under a minute. For me, before I begin my fishing, I put my phone in camera mode right off the bat. My tape measurer is either clipped to my waist or in one of my cargo pockets. Once I catch a fish, while I am holding it, I take out my scale, pull out about 24inch strip, place it on the ground, get my phone ready, quickly and carefully place the fish on the strip, snap the pic, and place fish in the water. Done in under, 60 seconds. If its a big fish, my scale is in another pocket, and its 2 extra steps. If I feel a big fish is out of water longer than I am comfortable with, I will place the fish in the water for about 10 seconds to keep its gills wet. Then take it back out and quickly finish. I am working on constructing a measuring surface that is more fish friendly, easy to get measurements, and portable.
  24. Man I got to get out more, compared to some of you guys. LOL. Just FL for me.
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