Once you get it down, it should take you under a minute. For me, before I begin my fishing, I put my phone in camera mode right off the bat. My tape measurer is either clipped to my waist or in one of my cargo pockets. Once I catch a fish, while I am holding it, I take out my scale, pull out about 24inch strip, place it on the ground, get my phone ready, quickly and carefully place the fish on the strip, snap the pic, and place fish in the water. Done in under, 60 seconds. If its a big fish, my scale is in another pocket, and its 2 extra steps. If I feel a big fish is out of water longer than I am comfortable with, I will place the fish in the water for about 10 seconds to keep its gills wet. Then take it back out and quickly finish. I am working on constructing a measuring surface that is more fish friendly, easy to get measurements, and portable.