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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. Do you care to elaborate on this fish? You're largest submitted so far as been 20.5" Just curious.
  2. Actually your dodger would be fine. When I first bought my boat moos ago, I was pulling it with a VW Passat. LOL. I guess where there is a will there's a way.
  3. Hey Grizzn aren't you part of the NE group?? Just messing with you. Your always welcome to come over and post and hang with us. Notice, I didn't say compete against us. LOL. You might give us to much of a run.
  4. MCS, you got us all beat in the kids dept. My hat's off to you my friend.
  5. There you go! Case in point. I have fished out of LMG's boat, and his set up, works great. Just saving $25 a month for 2 years will get you $600. Is it worth it?
  6. I am sorry you are experiencing this. I can only imagine what you are going through. I am not familiar with your area, but is it possible to find new waters? Even if its farther away, maybe going to these locations 3-4 times a month may put you more at ease and maybe you will find more productive water.
  7. MCS, you bring up excellent point. Aluminum, was just the first thought I had since I have one. But, their are other options. Kayaks and canoe's are other viable options.
  8. Trust me, I have 2 kids of my own and I get it. I did not say purchase a boat tomorrow, next week, or next month. What I meant to say, is allocating a little $ and over time of 1 yr or 2, you might have enough stashed away to get an old aluminum boat and a used electric motor. It was just a thought.
  9. 580(P) without a doubt are excellent.
  10. AK, save your cash and look into buying a small aluminum boat, with an electric motor. LMG and FSTR have one. Pick their brains on how they set up their boats and you might be surprised on how affordable it may be.
  11. You win some you lose some. My fishing has been off for a couple months now. Will you be joining us again next month?? If so, remember to give your intention on the new thread I will be posting on Fri.
  12. LMG are you having some of your morning coffee right now??...... wink...wink..
  13. Since I have met you and we had a ton of laughs off this topic I know exactly where you are coming from..... Funny man!!
  14. Wow, I am amazed with the comments so far. My hat's off to all of your patience. I bank fish a lot and my boat does not have electronics, I will cover an area and move on. But to stay in one spot to see if a fish reacts to a bait, I can't do it. I would rather move and find fish who are willing to take my offering more willingly.
  15. Best of luck with the move LMG
  16. You have posted a couple fish this month, but they have nice to them. 3 more like that you would be top 5 for sure.
  17. It's sooo quiet......... hey..... there goes a tumbleweed.... LOL Where is everybody? Are you guys out fishing??
  18. Holy Smokes!!! FSTR you miss tying for first by a half inch. You are at 101.5 and Rovingmutt is at 102" !!! That's pretty close!!
  19. It goes over grass ok, pads too. I just won't cast into the very thick stuff if your bank fishing. It might hang up and then you can't retrieve it unless you have thick line. On a boat not a problem.
  20. Welcome Jacob, like AK said, there a bunch of us from FL on the SE section of the forums. See you around.
  21. ROTFL.... too funny. It was not my intention to come off as MR. T. LOL. I just don't want someone to miss out on qualifications for missed deadlines. Too funny!!
  22. FYI: Just a friendly reminder for everyone. I do not want any surprises come Fri. All pics with measurements are to be submitted by Thurs. You have til 11:59pm for you night owls. I will post final numbers on Fri by noon, and launch the new contest immediately after. (I am excited for the additional info we are including this upcoming month.) All of you have been informed with 2 day advanced notice. If you submit late, we will all oooh!! and ahhhh!! your pics and that's basically it.
  23. The MG is a great reel. It is one of my favorite reels.
  24. I bought one a little while ago. I have not caught anything on yet, but you can spool your reel just throwing it. LOL.. It's pretty cool buzz bait. I am looking forward to throwing it more in the spring.
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