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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. I went out for a little while late this afternoon. Since I am culling, I decided to take out Bubba. He is the big Live Target frog. I went to a canal in my neck of the woods that has a lot of overhangs. I caught 4 nice ones. The biggest one went for 17.5". I was able to cull my 16". Puts me at 91.5" With Bubba, any bass hits him, he is not getting away. LOL. It was the black/brown/white Koppers frog. The day was cloudy, wind from the East, 20+ MPH.
  2. Phil I got your catches down.
  3. Dsidle, I documented your catch. Yes, you are at 3 fish for 50.5"
  4. I also have both reels. Both of them serve me very well. The STX is just a little bit more refined, and it has the duel braking system to allow you to fine tune your casting.
  5. Frogs, flukes, stickworm, and centipedes.
  6. The one that got away for me was a special day for sure. That day has never been duplicated since. My buddy and I were fishing in the Everglades, this one time, and all we were catching were nice bass. My buddy caught a beautiful 8lbr, and shortly after, I was fishing with a spinnerbait, that I rarely use, and my lure got it hard. As the fight ensued I see this giant bass that dwarfed my buddies 8lbr leap beautifully into the air and throw the hook on a massive head shake. As the spinnerbait flew one direction and the bass the other, I stood there frozen, not believing what I saw. The cool thing though however, I still caught my PB, that day. She went for 7lbs 4oz.
  7. Missourifishin, a well rounded weight training routine will help you tremendously in your situation. Regardless if you are sitting or standing while you fish, compounding fishing time into the equation, your muscles that help keep support of your low back, are weak and the only way the body can tell us something is wrong is with pain. Core exercises, low back exercises, and a back specific stretching routine will do wonders for your situation. Helping people like you is what I do for a living, and I to suffer from back issues, from an injury I suffered while playing sports in H.S. When I stray from the path, my back let's me know real quick.
  8. Bass Czar, I documented your catch.
  9. FishinDaddy, I got your catch down also. Congrats on the win. Wow! a 22" fish and it came in at under 5lb? Anyways, a win is a win.
  10. FSTR, I got your fish down. Yeah, mudfish will destroy spinners for sure. Sorry to hear you lost your tungsten weight. They are $$.
  11. Great job Gator, I got your fish down.
  12. MCS, there is still many days left, you will get into them soon enough.
  13. Do you know how long I was working on this masterpiece to get the shades just right.... LOL... Thanks LMG
  14. Best of luck to everyone that goes out this weekend. I know fishingator is anxious to wet some lines. LOL. Weather is going to be iffy so let's see what happens. I know some of you are fishing tournaments, best of luck on that as well. I will post standings on Monday as usual.
  15. There's no doubt lizards get the job done. I was just commenting on how the lizard is definitely your go to lure. We all have them.
  16. Martin you sure love them lizards!!!
  17. Correction.... man, I have been off lately, mine came in at 19.5"
  18. Great catch Maine, you have been persistent and consistent lately. Congrats!!
  19. I managed to go out today just shy of couple of hours before the rain rolled in. I managed to catch a pig. This one came in at a chunky 19" and 5lbs. I caught it on a SK caffeine shad in pearl blue. Weightless, with a 3/0 Gami, on 10lb yozuri. Wind was from the NE 15-20mph, temp was 83 degrees, partly cloudy, until the rain clouds rolled in from the North. This one puts me at 88.5" I was able to cull the 14" I had.
  20. Nice Mutt!! I got you down you are the current leader at 97.5. WTG!!
  21. Dsidle, who knows you might really like them. Many people have caught fish on them and love them. They just don't do it for me. Good luck with them.
  22. I have been using the lunker frog now for several outings now. I was really looking forward to get my hands on this frog, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. Pro's: the colors are pretty, and it flies pretty good when casted. Cons: takes on way too much water, without even a fish strike, the motion is eh..., it cannot handle too much abuse. Overall, I will be sticking with Booyah and Livetarget frogs. Again, this is my personal review, I am not asking for a debate....
  23. Martin so glad you surfaced!! Nice fish, I got it down. Enjoy the rest of your time with your mom.
  24. That set up, sounds fine to me. Good luck and enjoy.
  25. Bostonsox, nice to see you got out and did some lunchtime fishing. I got your catch down.
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