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Everything posted by BassinLou

  1. That 15" still leaves you at 3rd place but with 80", everyone else maintains their place as well.
  2. Ok gang here are last weeks standings. 1. Joe: 5 fish; 21" 20.5" 16" 15.5" 15" = 88" 2. Dsidle: 5 fish; 18.5" 18" 18" 16" 14" = 84.5" 3. Jacob44: 5 fish 21.5" 15" 15" 13.5" 13" = 78" 4. Lunkmaster: 4 fish: 19" 18.5" 17.5" 17" = 72" 5. Bostonsox: 4 fish: 16.5" 16" 16" 16" = 64.5" 6. FishinDaddy: 2 fish: 19" 18.5" = 37.5" 7. Rovingmutt: 2 fish: 18.5" 16" = 34.5" 8 LMG: 1 fish: 21" = 21" 9. FSTR: 1 fish: 18" = 18" There you have it, for Week 1, have a great Week 2 everybody!!
  3. Oh yeah, they do have a speed limit at Lox, I have seen the signs. They do speed traps on the water.
  4. We are not review worthy?
  5. Yes, I use a side sweep.
  6. You have been missing some nice bass lately on those crank baits, how are you setting the hook on those fish, and what type of rod are you using?
  7. And the review is???
  8. I documented your catch Boston. BTW the nice pea.
  9. LOL. I just answered a rod question on another thread. I would have to agree with the Lews speed spool, I would say a BPS Carbonlite rod. Falls way inside your buget, and that is a heck of combo.
  10. Avids are great rods, if you are looking for a rod that is scary light and has surprising muscle, then try the Carbonlite's. They run for around $80-$100. With a no questions asked warranty for a year.
  11. Here is the 14" fish from yesterday. Caught this one with the medium Koppers frog.
  12. What happen to the arsenal? Is this just a "you" time trip, for relaxation?
  13. Fortunately, my brother in law and I tagged team. My son would fish with me and some with his uncle. We did this through out the day. My son was in charge of the fish counter. We used a variety of soft plastics. Flukes, stick worms and centipedes. I just stuck with the frog to weed out the little guys. It was a beautiful day, with great memories.
  14. Just got back in from the glades. Whew!! I am pooped. 3 of us went out. Me, my son, and brother in law. We got out there by 830, and fished til 430. My son was a trooper. We caught 48 fish, and the best part 40 of them were caught by son. Dinks, but, to a 7 year old he is on cloud nine. I only caught one contest worthy and it went for 14". The promising things I did see, was that the big ones are starting to stage. I saw some really nice bass, but they were not interested today. The water levels are coming down. So this Spring its going to be unbelievable. On a funny note, my new reel came in while we were out. LOL. It's a sweet reel. I will post my little guy later.
  15. Documented your catches, you are indeed at 80.5"
  16. If I had one thing to pick on with Costa's it would be what your describing above. Fortunately, they have great CS, because I return the same pair of glasses every couple of years for that reason. I wear my glasses everyday, 365 days a year through all conditions. I guess with heat and sweat the glue becomes undone over time.
  17. I use the Suffix mono at 12# for those applications. For me its mainly for Spooks or flukes. Poppers I have not used in years.
  18. Bummer my new outfit will not be delivered til next week. You know what that means.... I will be heading out to the glades again in December. LOL.
  19. Jacob I documented your catch, your top 5 is up to 78" Joe, RovingMutt's son is still in the lead with 5 fish at 88"
  20. Who's going fishing this weekend??
  21. I think everyone here has to some degree... LOL... you my friend just had an episode..
  22. It doesn't look like we are going to have any last second participant entries. I am still looking for Bass Czar? PhilM? Zach? CutlerJay? you guys will be missed.... Here is our December 2013 Finale line-up, broken down by region. North, FL WEST, FL Central, FL South, FL 1. AK 7. Rovingmutt & JOE 9.FishinDaddy 11. Bassinlou 2. Bass11 8. 1234567 10. Jacob044 12. BostonSox 3. dsidle 13. Diggy 4. JaxBasser 14. Dynomyte 5. MCS 15. Fishingator 6. TightlinesJAX 16. FSTR 17. LMG 18. LunkMaster 19. Martin 20. Mikefinfan Good luck this month everybody.
  23. That is/was nice deal. That monkey has you hooked!! I didn't know you rolled like that LMG!! New reel here, new reel there, every where reel, reel...... lol.
  24. Rippin-lips, thanks for sharing, I just check out this site, and its great.
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