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Everything posted by what

  1. fully custom seahunter 18 fresh out the press at that time 6 months ago first seahunter with the etec i top out about 40 with me in it and fifty gallons of gass and can run in about 8 and pole in about 6 if im lucky no trolling motor strickly push pole yes i still cath bass with my push pole two
  2. the only thing i need is the big tarpon and bone on fly i got the permit and ill be out next week
  3. yah thats a flats boat i live in south florida i have to have one
  4. you can get snake heads in tamarac florida that big !!!!!!!
  5. how do you like it ;D
  6. they fight very well i consider them fresh water permit
  7. it dont matter to me i have peacock bass ;D
  8. i thought it was funny..........................................................................NOT!!!!!!!!!! lol
  9. that all star rod i a killer i have it
  10. clouser is almost the best
  11. no it was worth it we were in like 3 inches of water literally
  12. i didnt catch a d**n thing i didnt even see one the water was like 40 deegrees
  13. is that an 67 jonson 9.5
  14. lol sure ;D
  15. Im goingt bonefishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill tell you how it goes
  16. im around there do you want to meet up
  17. what

    Fly guys

    hey is that all the fly tying guys
  18. what

    Fly guys

    ok first you tie the maroubou on the bottom then on both sides then on the top you understand
  19. what

    Fly guys

    yes thats a an easy solution just do two or three LOOSE wraps and then sinch down and that esencially spins the hair and with marobou you have to tie it in in a four corner type way tell me if you understand that basically it
  20. what

    Fly guys

    the chartrues and white clouse is flaired because you used the bottom of the buck tail use the upper half and it wont flair up on you
  21. what

    Fly guys

    thanx i learned from the best and that vice came from the best his name is tedd
  22. what

    Fly guys

    i am too a fly tyer i just got a hmh vice for my birthday i have a couple of flies here
  23. avid i love your jokes ;D
  24. ohh ohh :
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