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Everything posted by jerzeeD

  1. Along with the oars, I reccomend carrying common replacement parts on the boat. I always have shear pins, an extra prop, and extra speed control switch with me. It is easier to swap out easy stuff on the water than it is to row. Check out the group 29 interstates. Plenty of reserve capacity. I run a 55 traxxis along with a fishfinder off of mine with no issues at all. I have enough juice to be out for 6-8 hours as long as I am not continually trolling.
  2. I am using a group 29 interstate with a RC of 210. It runs my 55 lb. Minn Kota Traxxis all day with no issues at all. The battery set me back $125. It is a 63 lb beast though.
  3. I personally use M/MF Fenwick HMG. I prefer the softer tips on my dedicated crankbait rods. I had more issues with hooks getting fouled by the line when casting with fast tips. Plus you don't really need the hook setting power with treble hooks.
  4. I'll be the only guy here that votes for Huddleston swimbaits I suppose. They are not cheap... but yes, they work
  5. I have a set of Oakley flak jackets with deep blue iridium polarized angling lenses. Great for open water and sunny days. I also have a set of emerald green iridium polarized Oakley Bottle caps. I use those for overcast-med sunlight days.
  6. I have learned to keep 3 things with me at all times on my electric rig powered by a 55 lb. Minn kota Traxxis. A spare prop, a few spare shear pins, and an extra speed control switch.
  7. I use that exact same rod to throw frogs, carolina rig, and Bottom fish. I don't use baitcasters. I have a 35 size pflueger medalist with 15 lb. P-line CX on it. It has worked remarkably well the past 3 seasons.
  8. I use 12 and 15 lb pline cx on 2 35 size pfluegers (a medalist and a patriarch) with no issues. The secret is forget the # test rating and be worried more about line diameter.
  9. I have used cx for years. It is much more manageable than cxx but is also thinner. The good news is it's breaking strength is still higher than rated.
  10. I think it is very similar to fluoroclear, but the line diameter is slightly smaller when comparing the same lb. line.
  11. You will need a size 35 pflueger and the limpest fluoro on the market (Tatsu and a few others) to make 12 lb. line work. I am running 12 lb. P-line cx on one of my 35's. And 15 lb P-line cx on another 35 size. Of course they are not pure fluoro, but hybrid lines with a relatively small diameter for their weight rating.
  12. P-line CX premium and Fluoroclear are the only 2 lines I use. Both are great as far as castability and strength. That said, I use Fluoroclear for cranks.
  13. I have had beige outdoor Home Depot carpet in my boat for 6 years with no issues. It has seen a pretty good amount of inclement weather too.
  14. You are probably dislike fishing cranks with that ultra stiff setup.... But the only reel that belongs on a LTB is a Pflueger Patriarch. Together they form a combo that weighs under a pound, casts great, and as a bonus even the color schemes match.
  15. All things being equal, I would go with the supreme over the prez Le... And I own both. Why? Magnesium body vs. Graphite body. If you ever bag any fish in vegetation, you will feel the graphite stem bend as you reel in the fish and added weight of the weeds. Magnesium will not flinch under those circumstances. Enough said.
  16. I am in the market for an inexpensive dedicated live bait rig. I happen to come across what appears to be a few older model Fenwick Elite Tech rods on eBay. They are not designated as bass or walleye like the elite tech rods currently on Fenwick's website. This particular model is dark brown. The model # is ES702M-MF. Can anyone tell me anything about this rod? Is it a decent stick for my application as I am in need of a moderate/moderate-fast tip? Any info will help. There certainly isn't a bunch of info available via Google. Thanks
  17. Kopper's Live target. Have had good success with them.
  18. Small world. I live in Gold Key. My profile pic is of the first fish I ever caught in that lake. I have to say this area is a solid place for freshwater anglers. Lake Shohola is 20 or so minutes away. The Delaware river is a 10-15 minute ride from me. NJ has some good spots close by too. Swartswood is a great walleye lake, and Lake Aeroflex has good trout and salmon fishing. You can certainly find any species you want to target relatively close to home up here.
  19. If you have breakage problems, try moving up one size thicker. The cx is very thin diameter line. I am running 12 lb test on 3 of my rods using 35 size pfluegers, and 15 lb. Cx on my frogging/bottom fishing rig which is also using a 35 size pflueger. I have no real complaints about line management either. The diameter is still thin enough to work fine.
  20. If VR28 is an option, run with it. It is the best you can use on oakley models that do not have the angling specific lenses available for them.
  21. I have been using Oakleys for 22+ years. It is all in the lens selection for the purpose you intend on using them for. I have 2 flak jackets now. One with black iridium polarized lenses and one with deep blue iridium polarized lenses (angling specific). I also have a set of bottlecaps in emerald iridium polarized. I use the deep blue flak jackets for medium to bright light on open water. I use the emerald bottle caps on overcast days or river fishing in the woods (heavy shade). They work great. If I were to take the black iridium lenses that are the darkest I own and least effective fishing lenses, then go brook trout fishing... I would probably be disappointed in how they work. As for the above post about how 2 things made out of similar materials can have different weights, the answer is easily. The density of the similar materials, the amount of material used relative to the size of the lenses. Etc. A 1971 chevelle and a 1971 dodge challenger are similar. Both have similar dimensions, build materials, and similar size engines for their respective option packages.. Yet the challenger is hundreds of pounds heavier than the similarly equipped chevelle. You are comparing apples to apples, with the problem being you are comparing granny smith apples to red delicious apples if you can see where I am going with this.
  22. I use cx and flouroclear. I have all spinning set ups. I would only use cxx on bait casters. It is like piano wire.
  23. Pflueger supreme at exactly 100 dollars. Pflueger purist for under 100.
  24. LOL... You have that right, Mike. The dues went up again a little this year too. I fixed it. It was the switch as this is the SC model and not the variable speed model. I just took the speed control switch from my wasted-lower unit endura 40 and put it into the traxxis and voila!! Up and running. If both run with no problem on the water, I am throwing the Endura 50 on Craigslist.
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