Snakes alive! In response to Matt Fly and Toddn 76:
Other snakeless places: there aren't supposed to be any poisonous snakes in Washington State WEST OF THE CASCADES. However, EAST of the mountains are some of the meanest rattlers you'll ever see.
As for Michigan: we absolutely have only one poisonous snake, the little woods rattler called a massasauga. It is rare and very shy. I once saw a fellow on television who had been bitten over a hundred times. They filmed him trying to get one to bite him--it took him quite a while before succeeding, then afterwards he said he just felt a little sick. Well, some people stick their fingers in the mouths of toothy fishes, too.
Now here is the big message: folks up here think we have moccasins. We do not! The farthest north they get is Cairo Illinois. When someone yells moccasin in Michigan, it is invariably just our little natrix, the common northern water snake. Sometimes it is the Kirtland water snake, which is endangered. I have been assured by a friend that he has seen a copperhead; if so, it was somebody's pet.
I lived a long time in Pensacola, where very serious snakes live even on the university campus and in neighborhood holding ponds. Now here is the big trouble: You just NEVER KNOW. In one neighborhood, a man called the sheriff and said, "You'll probably think I am crazy, but I just saw a cobra." He was not crazy. This seven footer had gotten away from a collector, who was given a stern warning by the judge. Two weeks later a man called in and said, "My dog is out in the cul-de-sac hassling with a boa constrictor." By now, of course, everyone was clued in. This was an eight-footer and put an end to the collector's hobby once and for all. Then, of course, there is South Florida . . . .
I admit I would shoot a cottonmouth first and chat with him later. But the rest of the snakes should be left alone: they are useful, fascinating, and important in the big sense that the more wildlife we kill off, the weaker we become as a species. :'(
"Life is hell, nature is a meatgrinder, we are a mean and pitiful species, and God is dead. I couldn't be happier; this is my kind of place," says Poor Richard's grumpy alter ego. Poor guy needs to go bass fishing, and soon!