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Everything posted by andrew_rigsby

  1. Haha the snake advice keeps coming in, I love it! I will be launching from an area with alot of condos on the south side of Keowee. There are tons of docks all around the area. Im considering picking up a topographic map before I go, that way I can identify some faults and breaks in my area.
  2. Well this wealth of info is awesome. Im taking her out on Friday so Ill keep everything you guys have mentioned in mind. Now im gonna go to bed and have nightmares about cotton mouths lol
  3. I have been fishing from the shore my entire life, whether its bass or in the ocean but yesterday I bought a nice little 12 foot fishing kayak. I am going to southern part of Lake Keowee in South Carolina next weekend and I realize I have a problem. I dont know how to fish for bass from a boat. All I am used to is fishing what structure I can see or get to from shore. So what is the difference between fishing on land and in a boat and how should I go about fishing from my kayak? Thanks in advanced guys!
  4. Im with Blubasser. I've often swam my crawfish crank baits in deep water and had trailers when coming into the shallow parts, then I twitch them and do a slow slow fast pattern and that usually results in an instinct strike. And airborne, most have them swimming forward, but there are some out there painted backwards with the eyes in the back. U just have to look for them.
  5. ya I forgot to mention topwater, I actually caught a 5 pounder on top waters last week. but ya I think I do just need to work on identifying the hot spots and find the big mamas.
  6. I throw a line in everyday at my neigborhood lake, usually 2-3 actual fishing trips a month though.
  7. andrew_rigsby

    Lake Hartwell

    Lake Hartwell, Clemson, South Carolina, United States
  8. Good afternoon, Im Drew, I live in South Carolina, think I have introduced myself before but anyways. I fish alot of small ponds and lakes in the Greenville area, usually neighborhood places that are often extremely over fished. They are very close and convienent, but the fishing is sometime a let down. I usually pull one or two in on a natural colored shallow crankbait, but I wanna expand what I can catch fish on. Ive tried jigs and spinners and deep divers and never get any hits. Wondering if maybe I am doing something wrong. Any advice?
  9. Heres my two cents. I own a pair of Oakleys, Coastas, and Natives, all polarized. I pretty much only wear the Costas. I have been wearing them for about three years. Here are some reasons why. I love the clarity they provide in the water as well as the comfortable feel they have on my face. I also have had some AMAZING encounters with Costas customer service department. I wore out gel on the left side of my glasses that goes behind the ear piece, but they were three years old. I sent them into costa, explained how they just wore out and that I love them and wear them all the time and they sent them back to me free of charge and fixed them. They even replaced the nosepieces because "they were worn" all free of charge. I am a firm beleiver in quality customer service and Costa has that.
  10. Headed that way to meet up with some freinds. Any suggestions on some good lakes or ponds to fish on, Ive been to Robinson and Cunningham out in Greer? about two years ago. Im looking for some new places. Any suggestions!?
  11. Fantastic advice and awesome set up man! I fly fish in the ocean and thought about taking it to bass fishing but didnt know what the success rate would be or even if bass hit stuff with a fly rod. Ill definatly give that a try! Thanks for the heads up on some great tackle, Im going fishing this weekend so I will pick some up and give them a try. Earlier someone mentioned about having the confidence and also patience. Today I went out to a small pond and put on a crankbait the whole time. I fished through weeds and shallow grass and just worked it through and on the shore line. I kept my mental fustration at bay and resisted the temptation to be ADD on the takle. At the end of the day I caught FIVE three small ones and one 13 incher and one 15 incher. So thanks for the advice and help guys. Confidence and wise advice was what I needed!
  12. Thanks for the encouragement guys. Ive read through most of the articles as well as watched the videos too. I think I just dont have the confidence that the fish are there.
  13. Good morning fellow fisherman, I live in South Carolina, Im not new to fishing from the shore in lakes and rivers around the area, but usually do alot of trout and fly fishing. I recently moved and am not near any trout streams so Ive taken up bass fishing. But I am having problems. Ive read all over the forum on what type of bait to use and different techniques but Im still coming back empty handed. Tackle: I use all different colors of bombers and crankbaits including earthy/natural colors as well as the blues and greens. I also use spinners, rooster tails, and red and black worms and still get nothing. I use top of the water bubblers and minnows also. I would love to catch some bass, but dont know exactly what I am doing wrong. Alot of what I fish is small lakes and streams in the area, sometimes places that are over fished from the shore. Thanks in advance for the great advice!
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