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Everything posted by Ghostshad

  1. Do you fish these two baits the same or different ? Would You explain how & Where You fish the bait's.. Watching Major League Fishing the Bug makes a real good jig trailer. GodBless & Thank's
  2. What kind of SeaFoam do you use in a 1999 , 225H/O . GodBless & ThankYou
  3. SparkPlug gap 0.03 is that 0.030 or are they different , my boat calls for 0.03 ? GodBless & Thanks
  4. What does a 1999 , Johnson 225 High/OutPut SparkPlug's gap on ? GodBless & ThankYou
  5. Which does the best job of cleaning ? SeaFoam or Mercury Quicklean , or should i use both , can you use to much ?
  6. What is Fogging oil ?
  7. Which trailer do you prefer on a SwimJig , PattleTail or SplitTail or both ?
  8. How often should You change your sparkplug's ? My boat runs real good , 70 miles a hour runs smooth . I don't run it like that , i was trying to get it good & Hot to clean the inside of the motor. But it don't idle good , it die's sitting still & idling , dies while trying to run it on the trailor . Will sparkplug's cause that ? GodBless & Thanks
  9. Is that StrikeKing Bottom Dweller Spinnerbait any different than any other 3/4 & 1 Oz bait. I saw them using it on Major League Fishing , They said it was made where it stayed upright & didn't lay on its side like others ? Making it very weedless . GodBless & thanks a Million.
  10. Just bought my first Garmin & it has the EchoMap 93 SV with Chirp. Now for Lowrance , this is true , Ive never bought a Lowrance that i didn't have to send back & i mean soon. Now on the other side once it was replaced i never had a bid of trouble ever again. Looking to send something back when you buy it Sucks Big Time , but i got all of them on sale. CS Sucks .
  11. I got the 93 SV With chirp . Can someone tell me how to color code the water depth or where its at in the manual.
  12. I have the Garmin EchoMap 93 SV With Churp , can someone tell me how to color code the water depth. I've looked & i'm not sure how to do it or where its at in the manual ? GodBless & Thanks a Million
  13. I like it to it stand's out real Good.
  14. I need to buy a LCD or BlackLight for night fishing. i have the holes drilled in my boat , i think they call it Male & Female fittings. I was looking at one but i forgot the name brand , it seems like it was NukeEye or something like that, does anyone remember a name brand similar to that . GodBless & Thanks
  15. In Tenn we call Em WaterDog's like you catch in a small branch. It was caught RedEye fishing on a 1/16 Oz Black Fly. When we got it in Junior My First cousin shot it with a pistol & then took it off. I think i've seen 3 of them all in the upper end of SoakCreek in SpringCity Tn. It was about 16 In Long & about 3 In around. I never dreamed one could get that big, if i hadn't seen it i wouldn't of believed it MySelf. It makes you wonder just how big will they get.
  16. I Agree its never too Big , Sooner or later You'll need the Room if Your a Fishing & Tackle Nut like Me.
  17. Does Big Worm's make that much difference in the summer ? If so what is your favorite Brand, Size & Color & How do you fish it & Where. GodBless & Thank You Very Very Much
  18. What SparkPlug's do i need for a 225 H/O 1999 Johnson ? Brand , size & gap ? GodBless & Thank You Very very Much .
  19. I went fishing Monday i fished the lake & then the River , just got a few bites on the lake & hooked 1 Slick. The water temp was 79 degrees early , where should they be located at 80 degree water temp . I don't know much about following bass after the spawn so anyhelp will be useful . GodBless & Thanl You Very Very Much.
  20. What all do bass feed on throughout the year , Starting with Spring , Summer , Fall & Winter ? Thanks for your help i retired last March & i was planning on learning more about fishing & I've missed the last to Spawns & I've not caught a fish this year so far & my health has took a bad turn , it's hard for me to get on the water. GodBless & Thank You One & All
  21. Thank's for the Help .
  22. Know how you feel a inch makes all the difference in the world on my . Changes from lake to lake , if i'm in too deep the nose of my boat goes below the rollers. I fish alone so i make sure i'm not in too deep & wench mine up . I just got my boat worked on i hope it will run up on the trailer now.
  23. I fell out of my boat last summer , its a scary feeling & i bought a Onyx , i love it & most important i wear it until my boats on the trailor. My butts worth over a Hundred dollars & Your's is too & i don't even know You. Buy one & wear it. Only fishing thing i ever bought my wife didn't get mad. I fish by myself so i have no one else to count on.
  24. Thanks cost me $ 300.00 labor
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