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Everything posted by Ghostshad

  1. What is your favorite 6th Sense bait,your favorite color,where and how do you use it ? God Bless and as always thanks
  2. Spring is getting close in Tennessee and i'm getting the itch so what baits will you start out with and how and where will you start? God Bless and as always Thanks
  3. Has anyone been using their crank baits? I love their color selections.Thanks and God bless
  4. I just bought a new fishing line its Berkley Solutions 6 # test has anyone used it i can't find no reviews,.i'd like to know before i put it on my spinning reel? Thanks and God Bless
  5. What color and what trailer would match up with a white swim jig?I'm not sure how white and dark will match ?Thanks and GOD BLESS
  6. Does anyone know where i can find a good selection of soft plastic dye i would like to change the color on some rage craws to go with some swim jigs?I think i looked on Bass Pro web site and they only had a couple different colors.Thanks and God Bless our country so we can have the privilege to be free and go fishing while others fight and die so we can be free and GOD BLESS THEM ALL
  7. I quite ordering from Bass Pro they are to high on their SH.They charged me for shipping 2 rods and put them both in the same rod box.You can't beat Mike at Siebert Outdoors.i ordered jigs from him and he stayed up all night and finished them because he was going on vacation.I will get my jigs from Mike,Good jigs,good price and good customer service.TWH is also good.
  8. I've never tried the hard jerkbait in the heat of the summer, i've always heard they didn't work.Do they work in the summer time as well as spring?
  9. Thanks everybody i wasn't sure how i could weigh them but i think i maybe able to at work if our scales go that low.
  10. I need some spinner bait skirts,i've been looking at the new Terminator power pulse,i really like the colors.Strike king perfect skirts vs Terminator power pulse,which one do you like the best or which one do you use ? Thanks and GOD BLESS
  11. i ordered swim jigs from Siebert and NorthStar, Siebert was 3/8 oz and NorthStar was 1/2 oz.The heads are exactly the same size,i have some Siebert in 1/2 oz and you can see the different in the head size..Does NorthStar have a smaller head or are they the wrong size?I ordered 14 of them and waited 3 weeks for them i hate to send them back,but that gives me a lot of 3/8 oz and a few 1/2 oz. Thank You and GOD BLESS
  12. i got my order from Mike at Siebert last week and i'm very happy with them they are very nice looking jigs i can't wait to get them wet and Mike is one of the best i've every ordered from he has never failed to answer any of my guestions.I can't say enough good things about him.I want to thank you again and i just made another order.THANK YOU MIKE
  13. Does lucky craft still make the R C crankbaits Rick Clunn
  14. Going to place a order on some swim jigs,whats your favorite fall color and weight? Thanks and God Bless
  15. Ghostshad

    A little PIG

  16. Ghostshad

    100 0159

    From the album: A little PIG

  17. Everybody loves a WISE CRACKER,I've been done the same way,and thought the samething that is keep the wise cracks to your self and welcome to the forum.
  18. Does NorthStar wire tie the skirts on their swim jigs,Do they have a fall sale,if so when? God Bless and Thanks
  19. i plain on buying some North Star swim jigs,what colors do you all have the most sucess on? Thank You and God Bless
  20. Does anyone still make a compact spinnerbait out of tungsten,i think at one time Terminator did?
  21. What is your favorite LuckyCraft bait and color,how do you fish it?Any of you fish the Bevyshad,i've never caught nothing on it?As Always Thank and God bless
  22. Ghostshad

    Fishing Pictures

  23. Ghostshad


    From the album: Fishing Pictures

  24. Ghostshad


    From the album: Fishing Pictures

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