Well for the past couple years about this time ive thought about getting a fishing kayak for those smaller waters either dont allow motor boats or have areas I want to fish that I cant get in with a motor boat... I have a canoe but feel a kayak would be more manueverable for 1 person and easier to load/unload off my SUV
This year im just gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase a YAK I think... I have a couple of yaks I am interested in but let me start by saying i would mostly be fishing rivers and small lakes/ponds with it...
The yaks I am interested in are
The Jackson Coosa
The Wilderness systems Ride 115
The native Manta ray 12
Im sort of leaning towards the Coosa and Ride right now which presents a problem.. I can not find a kayak shop near me that carries either of those two boats so I would have to order online which will stop me from being able to test the boats before I buy which is a concern....
Any advice or kayak suggestions are more than welcome