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  1. Well for the past couple years about this time ive thought about getting a fishing kayak for those smaller waters either dont allow motor boats or have areas I want to fish that I cant get in with a motor boat... I have a canoe but feel a kayak would be more manueverable for 1 person and easier to load/unload off my SUV This year im just gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase a YAK I think... I have a couple of yaks I am interested in but let me start by saying i would mostly be fishing rivers and small lakes/ponds with it... The yaks I am interested in are The Jackson Coosa The Wilderness systems Ride 115 The native Manta ray 12 Im sort of leaning towards the Coosa and Ride right now which presents a problem.. I can not find a kayak shop near me that carries either of those two boats so I would have to order online which will stop me from being able to test the boats before I buy which is a concern.... Any advice or kayak suggestions are more than welcome
  2. Anybody from the WNY area? Im looking for some good small mouth rivers/creeks to fish.. they dont have to be deep enough for a boat I have a canoe also I spent allot of time fishing the oak orchard river under the lake alice dam last year out of my boat.. I got some small bronzebacks out of it but mostly caught largemouth bass.. Im thinking of trying the oak orchard above lake alice this year with the canoe but would like some other suggestions as well
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