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Everything posted by TLC

  1. I have a 1994 Mercury XRI Went out this weekend and ran about 15 miles to the first fishing hole. Motor ran good everthing was fine. After fishing for about thirty minutes I started back up and ran for about a mile when I heard a Rattling or a Kind of a Tat-tat-tat sound. Needless to say I run it slow back in. There are a couple of things that I would like to narrow it down to if I can before i take it to the shop. Last time I had it out I hit a stump but was a idle speed when I hit it and when i got it back two of the low water intakes had wood particles in it so i cleaned them out. There was no water pressure drop or alarms that day or on the weekend trip. And on this weekend I had no water pressure or oil problems and no alarms. One thing that I did do before we went this weekend is fill the gas tank. Also the rattling would not do it at lower rpms or if it was in nuetral and i reved the motor. Also when I got home I pulled all the plugs they all looked like they were getting fire no water droplets or anything and no metal sticking to them. One thing that I did notice was that my motor would shake back and forth about a 1/4 to half inch. It is not loose at the jackplate or transom mount but the motor will shake the only thing that shakes is the motor itself. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Travis
  2. I have a Mercury XRI 175hp(1994) that is on a 1994 Champion Elite Boat. I have tried everything and was just trying to figure out what is the best prop for this boat. It has a 4 blade (don't know what size or pitch, not on the prop) and will only run about 5000 rpms top and the motor is rated for 5800. ANy help would be helpful.
  3. NO, the flood water coming from the dam is fairly clear this time of year just slightly stained.
  4. Along with the flood water there is an extreme amount of current also. The upper end of this lake has several flood gates open as well.
  5. Just wondering where a person may want to start fishing a Lake where the water has riaised about 4 feet in the last week. This is a lake that has three main creeks that run into it.
  6. Took my son when he was three, his first fish was a three pound largemouth on a texas rigged worm.
  7. Went out last night after a huge 3 to 5 inches of rain this past week and fished a lake that is a flood control lake. It is a River system type of lake with two major creeks feeding into it (which are extremely muddy). The tail waters of the river a extremely clear and has a really good current, but they haven't generated any water for quite a while and the water temperature was in the upper 60's to low 70's. Went out yesterday and they are running water with good current and the water temperature has dropped to upper 50, specifically 57. Just need a little help on where you might start. There are alot of different types of structure and cover on this river but mostly rock bluffs on one side and clay banks with tree tops on the other. Depth range is from 20 feet to 3 feet on any given stretch. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. BEn, nailed it! If I were just to take a guess you probably fish certain spots in a pond more than you do others (ie point, neck, dam) just take the information that you used and the same places you fished in the ponds and apply them to the lake!
  9. NO worries then! Just give it a name and enjoy! LOL
  10. You don't have to worry about it eating any of the fish, your worry is that they will burrow into the dam and will eventually drain the pond. It is up to you but i would dispose (by however means possible) to get rid of the it. If you wish to keep it than you will need to watch for holes in the dam area to make sure it doesn't drain your pond. Once the water starts running through the holes you can forget it the pond is going to drain!
  11. Several factors that can cause such a thing to happen to a fish like that . disease, over population and probably the #1 cause would be AGE! The fish is just getting old
  12. Some of the things that a person need to take into account when putting a brushpile in and how long it will stay is 1. current 2. decay 3. beavers. I know that sound weird but they lake or Reseviors that we put our brush piles in if you do not put dead or dried wood in, the beavers will have it eaten overnight!
  13. I have a 94 Champion w/ a 175 Merc., with everthing covered, and a 200.00 deductible for 225.00 yr. Progressive Insurance. My agent actual set me up with progressive instead of their company's boat insurance, the difference was $80 to $100.
  14. Anyone out there would be kind enough to tell me how to reset the guage. I was out the other day and the hose that connects to the guage came off. When it did the guage went all the way to the right (high pressure side) it still shows that it is getting water but won't show accurately how much. My guess is that it got air in the line but I still have no answers on how to fix. Thanks Travis
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