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Everything posted by mg4u2nv

  1. Its been a while since i've been out to west miramar. i do have a nice little spot in southwest ranches west of 75 south of griffin that always seems to produce a pea or two. Never really attempted to fish in weston, everything there is always so restricted. i'll have to get on google earth and search out some spots in west miramar. I bought a silver/black x-rap last week for spillway snook that i think can work out just fine. Good luck to ya Lou! Matt
  2. Peacocks love the hotter weather. In the dead of summer they are more active at 2pm then they are at 6am. I don't think there is any possibility of a 15lb peacock down here. 10lbs i could believe, even thatll be a stretch. Most of the ones i catch are in the 1-3lb range. Every once in a while i MIGHT get one about 4. I couldn't imagine a double digit pea. They are absolutly ferocious!
  3. x2 on great customer service. I had a vendetta about 6 months ago snap as i lifted a 4lb peacock bass onto the shore. i emailed them, took pics, and gave them all the info. Didn't hear back for a few days, i emailed them again while i was at work, I got home that night and there was a brand new vendetta waiting for me! They did an excellent job and have certainly earned my future business! Matt
  4. As said already, just more practice with the bait will help you get better. Frogs IMO are probably the most exciting way to catch bass. As far as hook sets go, as soon as i get a blow up, i reel up the slack(which takes a second or two) and if the fish is there i drop the hammer! I always try to make sure the fish still has it before swingin though, don't want a double hook flyin back at my face! I also use pad crashers, and i've found(which i read on these forums) trimming the legs about an inch helps them "walk" better. If you can walk a spook, i generally move the rod tip MAYBE half as much as i would with a spook. And experimenting with different cadences and rythms is key. Matt
  5. golf courses are great for bass!!! My favorite honey hole is a lake in between an apartment complex and a golf course. Caught many 4lb and 5lbers there! Give it a shot! Matt
  6. awesome! i need to get up to springs, its been too long since i've wrestled a snakehead!
  7. thanks guys! The first few months i lived there i never really attempted to fish this lake(water is always VERY clear). Really tryin to talk the wife into letting me get a kayak. The other side of the lake is riddled with docks, walls, and cover that i could spend weeks picking apart on a yak. we will see though! Thanks again! Matt
  8. After a few weeks of nothing worth mentioning, i caught this 4 or 4.5lb girl saturday afternoon on a stik-o at my lake. Worked my way to the corner which has a culvert, made a cast to the opposite bank, i barely engaged the real and the line took off!. So i reeled up the slack and dropped the hammer! I was happy to get a good hook set considering the fish was 30-35 yards away. A couple jumps and got her in. Made the rest of my day! Matt
  9. Just adding to what was already said, i would concentrate my efforts on the eastern shore. Looking at the pic of the pond it looks like the eastern shore is more fishy. Seems to be more cover, and as MCS said there is surely a culvert connecting the pond with the canal underneath university drive. Culverts are always a good spot to start especially if there is water moving through them.. And not all hard lures have to be complicated. i prefer soft plastics myself, i have 2 rods dedicated strictly for plastics(1 for weighted plastics, and 1 for weightless), one for a hollow body frog, and one for hard baits. And as far as hard baits go, i have 3 cranks, 2 spooks, and a chatterbait, lol. Good luck and let us know how it went! Matt
  10. stik-o's are awesome! That is my #1 go to bait down here. Favorite colors are green pumpkin and texas smoke. I use either the 5" or 6" sizes and i prefer to wacky rig. I only T-rig when there is quite a bit of cover. Someone earlier mentioned a Gomakatsu #1 finesse hook. x2 on that. The bait just seems to fall and move more natural wacky rigged. The T-rig i'm normally throwing at a target(pads, mats, stump, branch, etc) if it doesn't get nailed in a few seconds i burn it back and make another cast to another target. Wacky rigging i'll throw it parallel to those targets or work it along a ledge or weedline, deadly! matt
  11. LMAO!!!!!!! That has to be the greatest sentence ever written!
  12. If i didn't have to work tomorrow i'd be in. If you plan to target peas in the miramar area i wouldn't go in the am. THey love the hotter weather. So early afternoon is a much better time. Snakeheads you would have to drive up to coral springs and would be better to hit in the am IMO. The snakeheads love the topwater buzz frogs and spinnerbaits. Sunday i'm fishing but i think i'll be hitting the rickenbacker causeway for some saltwater action. The tides seem to be right. Good luck. We can meet up in the future at some point and fish just PM me Matt
  13. Horny toads are great baits. This time of year i like them in lower light conditions or overcast and around pads or any other type of cover. Getting out at dawn would be a good idea. Dawn tomorrow is at 605. So you can have almost 30 mins before the sun comes up. I caught a 3lber the other night at my lake in pines at about 830pm. Just before total dark. good luck! Matt
  14. I have both the carbonlite and lightning shock. NO complaints from either one. The carbonlite is 7MH for weightless plastics, flukes, buzz frogs, senkos. The lightning shock is also 7MH and noticebly more limber so i use that for treble hook baits, cranks, and spooks mostly. Both are great for as much as i use them and would buy either one again. Matt
  15. Have you tried going west? i live off hiatus in pembroke pines, i head out west to SW ranches sometimes, its pretty good out there. Use google earth and pick out some spots. Thats how i've found all my "honey holes". I try to stay away from the big main canals and concentrate on the finger canals. I'm surprised you haven't had any results with senkos. Thats normally the go to bait for me. Try wacky riggin em also in watermelon seed. Thats pretty much the only color i throw in those haha. Good luck! Matt
  16. With all this rain we have gotten today, i'm sure the spillways will be working overtime tomorrow. May head out at sunrise and hit a couple and pray for some freshwater snook! Tried to do some bass fishing today in between the bands of rain. I got caught about a 1/4 mile away from my truck when a downpour hit, ugh! tomorrow should be minimal rain though! Matt
  17. This time of the year is awesome for bass fishing! Overcast skies and rain everyday does somethin to them! I love it!
  18. When i started really getting into this a few years back, i couldnt stop throwin a frog either. Then i got into other soft plastics, worms, hawgs, flukes, etc. Only in the last 6 months or so have i started throwin treble hook baits and spinners. Every bait has its place but i still LOVE the buzz frog(its hard to beat that massive explosion!), the spook is gaining a lot of popularity as well. I have no confidence in jigs at all. thrown them quite a few times and i just cant produce at all with them. I'll keep tryin though. Matt
  19. Since i started working a part time job on top of my full time, i havent been able to fish NEAR as much as i have wanted to. Hell i didn't fish as much as i wanted to before the 2nd job, haha. Anyway, i live a hundred feet from a very large lake, and the other night i was outside and a small frog hopped across my patio. I decided i was wakin up with the sunrise to throw my favorite bait, a horny toad. I woke up and found my way to the windblown bank which had grass and weeds floating. After 20 casts, caught 3 fish with 2 more blow ups on the mats! Love the topwater frog bite! I love this time of year with all the storms and cloud cover, it makes it really hard to put the frog away! Matt
  20. I would think its ok to fish them. I fish ponds/sections of canal very similar to that. I always make sure i am very respectful while i am there. Under any circumstances, DO NOT litter while there. Not even leaving a used up plastic bait on the ground, nothing gets left behind. I read an article on here saying "i bring a plastic bag with me to pick up trash while i'm there". I have done this at times, i think it makes it easier for people not to say anything if you are helping clean up a little bit. Matt
  21. patience is a very hard thing to learn with soft plastics. cranks and spinners create the reaction bite and fish usually hook themselves. Soft plastics they inhale it and hold on bc its a more realistic feel to them i guess. Any time i feel something different with a soft plastic, whether it be a "bump" or even if the bait feels mushy, i stop and lift the rod up a little and wait a second or so. If a fish has it they usually let you know. And when i'm convinced its eaten i lower the rod, reel the slack, drive it home! Matt
  22. d**n didn't realize someone beat me to it, lol
  23. Both good points. I know a lot more now than i did a year ago about these things. They are not going to go anywhere, they are not decimating the bass population, they are not eating small children. I was more interested in getting together with other people in the area and havin fun. I don't have the desire to kill them like i did a year ago. Round up or not, I would still like to make a trip up there saturday a.m. and target them(already have the time slot cleared with the wife, lol). Always like fishin with someone so if anyones free i'll be happy to join ya. Matt
  24. I'm a little surprised of the 2 reactions thus far. This time last year it seems like everyone was gung ho about these. I enjoy catching the snakeheads as much as everyone else does, and i haven't killed one ina while myself. i just didn't have a chance to compete in one last year. I'm very curious of the turn around. Matt
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