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Everything posted by Docktercolin

  1. It's been awhile since i've been on here and it's good to see this thread is still going. I'm psyched that it's finaly starting to warm up and i'll be able to get my little boat back on the water. tseanw on page 59 I have some pics of the yak gear fasteners I used on my rig. Installed them at the begining of last year and they have held up fine. If I were going to install rod holders for trolling i'd use toggle bolts but for light duty stuff the tri grip rivots work great. Basshead, is that little hangkai still running good for you?
  2. Good idea with wall anchors. Would have never thought of that one. Doesn't look like that set up takes up too much space either.
  3. Cool little set up. I'd like to have foot control. It's a pain to control and fish at the same time. That's why I put the wife up front! What hardware did you use?
  4. Ya, I was kinda hesitant too. I looked into multiple ways to attach things too the boat. Screws are notorius for pulling out, and once the threads are gone it's just a hole. People have talked about rivnuts, they look like they dont grip that much area. The Yak gear tri-grip rivots spread out three eighths of an inch and are rated for 200lbs. For good measure I also used some 3m marine grade sealant behind the pad eyes and in the rivot hole. We will see how they hold up. I have seen a bunch of people using these things on yaks. figure if one of pad eyes break I can just cut the rivot, back side will fall into the boat and I can put on a new pad eye and rivot. After a couple I might even stand the boat on end and fish out the rivot parts. Thought about doing rod holders but im good with what I got, don't want too many holes. Glad you are having good luck with the hangkia. Gonna be ticked if that thing turns out to be a great motor and I spent way too much! PIc of the Trigrip rivot in some eighth in. Kydex
  5. Docktercolin

    colin's pics

    fishing boat, fishing
  6. Sorry to be a post *****. think I got this pic thing figured out. Another pic of the ff mount.
  7. Little pic of the fish finder mount, floor and Yak Gear pad eyes.
  8. Not laughing at all. you have a good looking rig. laid out just like mine,ha. I almost bought one of the hangkai's but had a little extra cash and been burned a couple times by cheeping out. How long have you had the hangkai? I'm gonna have to get a kayak paddle, have a little 48in and that long paddle would be great especially when pushing off in the shallow stuff. I know what you mean by a bobber, had the boat out Sat. and got into some of the biggest swells yet probably 4 feet. Think i've got whiplash. Need to get a pic of mine out on the water where she lives. pics in the garage don't do her justice. Been going out three or four times a week and love this little boat and setup. Up here they are draining down some lakes to fix dams and the water has been crappy all year.
  9. Docktercolin


    From the album: colin's pics

  10. Docktercolin

    fish finder

    From the album: colin's pics

  11. The tohatsu was 950 with shipping free. Did a bunch of shopping around and found this to be the cheapest. you can find other motors cheaper but they are suspect and who knows if you could get parts. Tohatsu makes all the merc's and nissans under 30 hp and from what I have read they are the largest outboard mfg. in the world. I agree 1000 bucks for a 3.5 hp is crazy. Look at the prices for 250 hp models, you could buy a new car for that kind of coin. Money aside I am happy now that I have another way of getting back to the dock. Last year I started wondering how hard it was on the trolling motor running on 5 for ten- fifteen minutes at a time. Has any one had a trolling motor fail? I have the Minkota C2 40lb. and it's been pretty warm sometimes when i pull it out of the water after a little cruise back in. And true Merc have rebates right now but I think it is dealer cash so still the same. On side note, I was wanting to post a couple more pics but every time I try it says max of 64mb? Also I thought the fourm was going to start allowing 750kb
  12. Just bought a new motor for my little bass raider and thought i'd show everyone the new set up. It's a 3.5 tohatsu and it is so nice to get to get around the lake a little faster. Last year I just had the 40lb trolling motor and it got about 3 mph, with the 3.5 I am getting about 10-12 mph. Not blazing but getting to different fishing spots is so so much faster.With the new motor came a complete rebuild and I think it came out great. Moved the trolling motor and fish finder to the front and the battery to the rear. I tried some stuff from Yak Gear, pad eyes with bungees on each side of the boat to serve as rod holders.(kicked a rig off last year) A z-ring on the front for tying off the anchor. The Yak Gear stuff uses trigrip riviots and we will see how well they hold up over time.
  13. +1 on the E at academy $499. That's where I got mine.
  14. here is a close up of the fish finder mount and tackle storage. All the wood parts were covered with fiberglass and I carpeted the top and inside of the tackle box compartment. If I were to do it again I would make some raised sides so i could store stuff like soft baits. It's really nice to have what you need right in front of you. I have five or six of the little boxes and just change them out depending on what i'm fishing for.
  15. The seat riser works really well for me. I am six foot and the stock height made me feel like my knees were at my ears when my feet were on the sides. Didn't think I liked it at first but after changing it out and making one trip, back on it went. That riser is seven inches, it was all Wally world had. I think with a padded seat, seven inches would be way too tall. Another good thing about the riser is that when the wife is with me I can see over her head. The bridge that I made is half inch PVC and left over quarter inch luan that I had left over from the floor project. It turned out pretty nice I think. Now I have a place to mount the fish finder and tackle at hand. I'll try to post a close up later.
  16. I really like my lowrance elite 4x dsi. seemed to come in at a lower price than the humming birds. the detail with the dsi is amazing. sometimes i just troll around to see what i can see as far as cover then mark the spots on my navionics app on my Iphone so i can fishem later.
  17. There are so many great ideas on this thread, I don't know what to do next. Oh wait, yes I do. The rod straps or bungees on the sides has to be the best idea. The other day I had a fish on, turned my chair and kicked a $150 rig into the lake. Let that be a warning to every one who lays their extra rods on the side of the boat. Here is a pic of my little boat all ready to go.
  18. All in all it would probaby cost about seventy bucks. I allready had a gallon of resin. the cleats are just half inch plywood cut into three quater inch strips. If i remember right I cut them nine inches so the center channel would be clear to drain any water and i'd have a place to run my wires. I laid down the cleats in the channel and used a straight edge to make sure i wasn't going to hit plastic. I only had one inch drywall screws so I just got them started then pulled the floor out and tightened them up. Used a grinder to cut the extra off the screws. The best thing about using the quarter inch ply and fiberglass is at the most I have only added 10-15 pounds.
  19. I have been watching this thread for awhile since picked up my bass raider 10e and all the ideas on here are great. Thought I would share a pic or two of my rig with the new floor. The floor is made from .25 luan plywood with .5 inch cleats that fit in the ribs in the floor. I covered the ply with a single layer of fiberglass mat then some cheap indoor/outdoor carpet from HD. The floor feels really good under foot and doesnt move around at all.
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