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Everything posted by Brayberry

  1. It's a odd place as within the same day you can catch Largemouth, Smallmouth, an Peacock bass. The lake has Largemouth and Peacock Bass, while the streams have smallmouth
  2. If I'm not mistaken, they are just on 1 island, in 1 lake, Lake Wilson. also some bass in the streams and creeks connecting to the lake
  3. Where are you located?
  4. Not a huge help here, but I fished some of the ponds VERY close to Disney World in February, and did well with a swim jig and a soft plastic swimbait
  5. Does anyone know of a mold that would be very similar to the old Jawtec Jigs? Also is there a hook that'd be similar to the one originally used? I know this is a long shot since the company closed in 2000 or 2001
  6. I fish a lake beside a golf course from shore, and every time I go I look for golf balls on the ground and in the water. Every time I find one I have a great day, and the days I don't find any, it's a poor fishing day out there. It's random, but it works for me. I now have a truck bed full of golf balls
  7. It's all about timing, as just 2 months ago I sold over 300 bags of brand new soft plastics (Zoom, Berkley, Gary Yamamoto, etc. I do that every spring.
  8. Looks like a grave, that was dug up and coffin removed
  9. I've fished the area before and no one said anything. There's no signs or fence's, so I assumed it was open to the public. I plan to fish it a little more this weekend if the weather holds out
  10. That Massachusetts state record will never be broken. Their record alone is bigger then 39 other states records, and it's the largest bass caught above Virginia I believe.
  11. Do you have a picture of the 18 lber? I'd love to see it. I know if I caught anything even remotely near 18 lbs, I'd have a entire memory card full of pictures of this fish, literally like 2000 pictures
  12. 18 lb largemouth, kinda sounds fishy to me, just saying
  13. Could you lower the lke 1 - 2 foot, then after a few days when the stumps dry some, chainsaw them in the path your looking for, then just raise the water level again?
  14. For bigger fish I like the Rage Craws, for numbers of fish I like the Damiki Air Craws
  15. How big were the Trashmore bass? Also there used to be some good striper and walleye fishing there, if you decide to branch out
  16. Whats the link? It won't let me click on it. If nothing else message it to me, Thanks
  17. I throw 4" Senko's a ton on a Medium Action Spinning Rod w/ 8 lb Lucky Craft Iron Athlete Line. I use a 3/0 EWG hook for texas rigging and I prefer a more sideways hookset. I probally hook between 80 - 85% of all the bass that strike. I also like to give the bass a extra second before setting to hook to make sure he has it
  18. I have a boat but most of my biggest bass have come from the bank, best bank fish so far is 9 lbs even
  19. I've never done any better on Livingstons baits, then any other brand, including the cheap Normans and Bandits
  20. Get the Red Spike it Dye as well as the Chartreuse Spike it Dye, and mix the two, you'll get Orange.
  21. I do a lot of bank fishing. I use a bookbag as most people do. If I'm going to a new lake, I'll carry 2 rods, 1 spinning, 1 baitcaster, typically once I know what's there and what I'm fishing, I'll just take one or the other. I bring a plano box with my hard baits, I stick my jigs in a zip lock bag, 5 - 10 bags of soft plastics, a spool of extra line.
  22. A few months ago, my girlfriend and I decided to take a road trip to Florida to try and get a few spawners, since it was still winter here (Virginia). We booked a hotel that had a small pond on the property, and there was about 5 more little lakes and ponds in the same neighborhood at other hotels and shopping centers. The first day I fished all the larger ones (5 - 15 acres) and did well with numbers but only a few 3 - 4 lbers. I decided to finish the smallest of the ponds which was 1 acre at best, The sides were full of vegetation, that extended about 8 feet from shore all around the pond, but the center was clear. The only structure in it was a fountain in the center. I made a few cast with a swim jig along he vegetation, with no success, so I fired a cast to to the fountain, and let the jig settle to the bottom. As soon as it hit bottom, I felt the weight of a good fish, so I set the hook. The fish instantly flew to the surface and tried to jump, but gravity took over as she was to big to get out of the water. The best she could do was shake her head violently on the surface. Then she reversed course and nose dived straight to the bottom, and tangled me up in all the hoses and such of the fountain. I got a clear look at this fish, as she stayed on the surface for about 10 seconds trying to jump. My personal best is 9 lbs and this fish I'd estimate between 10 - 11 lbs
  23. I always enjoy the stories here, and just wanted to read a few more. So tell me, whats the story about the monster bass you had hooked that got away. I'll post mine later when I get a few more free minutes. The more details the better,
  24. Here's what I throw as a "swimjig" though technically not a swim jig, though it's fished like one. I like a 1/4 or 3/8 oz Jig, I personally use the 1/4 oz Brush Head most, I prefer Bluegill colors (Greens, Purples, and some Browns), as a trailer I use either a Zoom Creepy Crawler Twin Tail grub or a Baby Rage Craw. I like to throw it out, let it hit bottom on a slack line, then slowly wind it back, in a steady retrieve.
  25. A: a Bullet Weight is typically used B: Most people just let the weight slide freely, but if you want it to no, then use a bobber stop, no knot needed
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