A few months ago, my girlfriend and I decided to take a road trip to Florida to try and get a few spawners, since it was still winter here (Virginia). We booked a hotel that had a small pond on the property, and there was about 5 more little lakes and ponds in the same neighborhood at other hotels and shopping centers. The first day I fished all the larger ones (5 - 15 acres) and did well with numbers but only a few 3 - 4 lbers. I decided to finish the smallest of the ponds which was 1 acre at best, The sides were full of vegetation, that extended about 8 feet from shore all around the pond, but the center was clear. The only structure in it was a fountain in the center. I made a few cast with a swim jig along he vegetation, with no success, so I fired a cast to to the fountain, and let the jig settle to the bottom. As soon as it hit bottom, I felt the weight of a good fish, so I set the hook. The fish instantly flew to the surface and tried to jump, but gravity took over as she was to big to get out of the water. The best she could do was shake her head violently on the surface. Then she reversed course and nose dived straight to the bottom, and tangled me up in all the hoses and such of the fountain. I got a clear look at this fish, as she stayed on the surface for about 10 seconds trying to jump. My personal best is 9 lbs and this fish I'd estimate between 10 - 11 lbs