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Everything posted by Brayberry

  1. I make jigs so I usually have between 300 - 600 on hand at any given time. Just poured 500 heads in the last 2 days so they'll be jigs within a few days as well
  2. I do 350 also, but I do mine a little differently, I put the heads in the own while the oven is still off, after it's filled with heads, I'll turn it on to 350, and let it go for about 40 minutes, I figure 10 minutes warming up, and 30 minutes curing. I've had the best success this way
  3. If your so worried about a weedguard, just get someone to make you the jigs you want with a light weedguard, now you have the best of both worlds. I have a small business selling jigs and I've never received a single order for a jig without a weedguard, but I have had many order for a jig with the stiffest weedguard I could find.
  4. I went cheap at TW and only sent $150, but got 2 rods from Cabelas, and $300 from fishingskirts.com
  5. I can't catch fish with anything Rapala makes. It's a shame too, cause I like the looks of their baits, Any other brand, I can catch them, but Rapala never
  6. Sure I think I could beat KVD if he was limited to a spincast reel. The rods that go with those reels are flimsy, and would be hard to work most lures, not to mention the gear ratio in it would drive you nuts. With him never using a spincast reel, he'd be less accurate with it and the reel would feel awkward to him. He may be able to find the fish, but he'd be frustrated all day trying to catch them. Good luck running and gunning with that combo also, flipping is pretty much out also.
  7. I'm in Virginia and there's a pile of Fishing flea markets. Heck I'm even a vendor at a upcoming one
  8. I've mixed glitter from craft store into my powder paint to get a glitter finish. Most craft store have glitter in a million colors and sizes also
  9. I fish my jigs without rattles almost exclusively. Very Very Very Rarely I'll experiment and add a rattle, but I believe I do better without them unless the water has practically 0 visibility
  10. With Fall here, I've been killing them on a homemade swim jig!
  11. Building your own lures will only be cheaper if you are able to sell some to offset your cost. Cheapest way to go is some Walmart plastic worms and some Eagle Claw hooks
  12. 1/4 oz jig 1/8 oz Slider Heads w/ Slider Worms Norman Crappie Crankbait Senko
  13. I'll share a few of my top secret modifications 1) Instead of using a rattle on my jigs, I go to the craft store and buy small metal jingle bells. They will slide right on the hook, and I'll hold it in place with a piece of Berkley Power Worm. Now I've added a different sound then everyone else is doing, and I've added a small amount of scent/taste (Powder Worm) on the hook. 2) When I make my own jigs, and powder coat them, after dipping them in the fluid bed and they are starting to cool down, I'll push my thumb into the back of the jighead. This imprints my fingerprint on the back of the jighead, giving the head a textured finish, that I believe gives off more or a different vibration then a normal jig. It's possible this is just a confidence thing, but I believe it works better. 3) When I buy a brand new crankbait, I'm not a fan of the bright colors, so I leave it in a window for a few weeks, so dull the colors. When it's "done" it looks more natural. 4) If I'm fishing heavy cover with a square bill crankbait, I'll clip off the front facing hook on the treble on the front and back. This keeps the bait from getting snagged, but still catches fish.
  14. To me depends on where the lures are purchased from. My local Ollies has some amazing deals on lures for cheap. I'm getting Zoom plastics for $1.99 each, actual senko's for $2.99 bag, Rapala's for $2.99 each.
  15. I went to James River State Park, near Gladstone VA. The water was high and pretty muddy from recent rains, but still managed 5 - 10 smallies a day, best one went about 2 lbs, and lost a 3 lber on a sunken boat. It was fun and I'll be back there. Ended up camping for 3 days there right on the river
  16. I ended up going elsewhere that weekend, as it was to much of a drive on a gamble I could fish it. Tuesday I'm headed to the mountains of Va for smallmouth, keeping my fingers crossed that the water there isn't a high and muddy as here near the Beach
  17. Is my rod completed yet? It's almost Wednesday
  18. What part of Chesapeake are you in? Message me, I just moved to Carrollton from Portsmouth, and found some good local spots
  19. Was thinking about driving up to Pony Pasture to see if I could get a few smallmouth. Anything been biting lately? Just looking to do a little wading from shore, I looked today and the water level was 3.4
  20. I'm the minority here, but I like the rubber bands instead. I can change the skirt on the fly if need be, if the skirt gets ripped up by a fish, turlte, or whatever I can replace it. Also I'll lose the jig way way way before any bands rot. The rubber bands now a days are made way better then the 90's anyway.
  21. I don't live bait fish, as I believe it takes no skill. I mean if I stick a cheeseburger in front of you with a hook in it, you'd eat it, and be hooked, no technique or skill involved
  22. Another place to try is Lake Maury
  23. I've used the same backpack for almost 20 years for shore fishing. Ironically enough it came from The Gap, this is the most durable backpack I've ever owned at any price. I'm in love with it, and if I could find more I'd buy a truckload of them. I think I paid $15 for it then but I'd pay $100 now. So don't exclude odd places to find a great item for fishing
  24. This thread needs more pictures
  25. Limit Maker Balloon Jig Plump Jig
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