Be sure it's what you want to do. When I started I probably sent $800+ initially. Lee Production Pot, Molds, Powder Paint, Weedguards, Weedguard Pins, Skirt Tabs, Lead, Wire, Rattles, Bands, etc. It'd probably be cheaper to buy the unpainted jigheads from someone, then paint them yourself, and add a skirt of your choosing, or even painted heads.
I've been making heads and such for quite a while and it's a learning process when you start. It's not as easy as it seems. It takes a lot of practice to consistently pour a perfect head, without getting incomplete pours.
Buying unpainted jigheads, you can get them as low as $.50 each in bulk, or painted heads around $.80 each in bulk, and it'd be a better way to start. Once you master that, then start thinking about pouring your own.