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  1. Thanks for all the input. I know it would be tough to get a quality rod made in U.S. with all U.S. components, but made by American craftsmen is what I'm looking for. The way I look at it, why spend $150-200 for something made in China when I can put an American to work for the same amount as long as the quality is there. I know the Lews is imported but wanted to put that in just to say I was happy with the reel and I was shopping for a rod. Castaway is building the rod I'm looking for. Made in Texas for a good price. I'm really glad we at least have some American made products to choose from. Many times we don't.
  2. I'm going shopping for a heavy action, fast flipping type rod about 7'4" or so. Prefer USA made. Found a Kistler at about $275 includes free Fedex Ground. I don't know much about that company. No complaints about the two or three St Croix I own. Not too fond of the one Falcon I have but will give it another season. I know made in America costs, but I try to do my part. Any others out there I should consider. BTW switched to Lews reels and happy so far with the ones I have. Bil
  3. Where's the Alley. Just in case i get back down this spring.
  4. Watch out for the rocks if you're using a boat, and don't keep any shad or stripers. I would try shad raps. Believe it or not, a lot of nice fish get caught with shad darts, but I think its just a numbers thing.
  5. Yeah, I taught him guys like me from up north, who saltwater fished most of their life, by the way, have a lot to learn about bass fishing in Florida.
  6. A while back I posted on the Southeast Forum stating I would like to fish with a Florida Local. Big O responded, and we had a great day on Okeechobee. Seems to me that there are a really great bunch of people on this site, if Big O is any example. Thanks again Big O. Sorry, no pics for now. Will take a while due to my technical deficiency.
  7. I just bought a TFO spinning rod that I won't use til next month. (weather here sucks). They are designed by Gary Loomis. Does anybody have any experience with these yet?
  8. Holy cow! Thanks for the responses. Don't think my wife will let me fish 24/7 when I'm down there, but it sure looks possible. Thanks again for the responses. I think I've responded to all the PM's. I'm worn out from cold weather this winter. Hopefully going down on about 2/28. Great bunch of guys. I'll try to give a report when I get back!
  9. Thanks for the responses. Bill
  10. No, its a largemouth. I guess they were schooled up. Trying to stay warm together, maybe! All were caught on Rapala SR5 Shad Rap. Shad pattern. 6 pound test slow retrieve. We also caught some very large crappies. I'm mostly an inshore guy (I have a Pathfinder 20 ft.) but love to bass fish when I can get a ride with a bass fisherman. The guy that took me along talked like it was an unusually rare good day for January up here, but these guys fish most of the year if they can get out. But, as you can see from my expression, it wasn't a balmy day. Roland Martin mentions winter fishing in this area in his book.
  11. Bass fishing in Delaware Jan. 14th. 47 degree water temp. 48 degree air temp. Rain. 20 plus fish. But boy were we cold. That spot is frozen over for now. Can't wait to get to Florida in a few weeks.
  12. My daughter lives in Palm Beach Gardens. I visit a few times a year from Delaware. I would be willing to pay expenses if someone from that area would be willing to drag me along bass fishing in that area. I have my own gear. Just costs too darn much to tow my boat down for a week. I'll fish Big O once or twice with a guide also. Please pm if interested.
  13. I have been using this line setup for saltwater flats fishing for spooky red drum in Florida for years. It works well for all the previously mentioned reasons. I also use it for bass and its the way to go.Sensitive, strong, and doesn't spook as many fish. Just tie the right line to line knot. Uni knot is best for me.
  14. My daughter lives in Palm Beach Gardens. I come down from Delaware a few times a year. Okeechobee is great. Thinking about a used boat like yours next year. Keeping my Pathfinder for now.
  15. Thanks for the input. Majority of opinion is: used glass Ranger. Think I'll keep the bay boat a few years and this fall look for a well maintained Ranger 188 or Z118 with Mercury Optimax 150. Everybody I've talked to is really happy with that rig. I don't fish tournaments so that's big enough for these smallish bodies of water around here. Price range 15-20K. They bass fish most of the winter around here in the upper rivers, so buying it in the fall will hopefully help with pricing. In the summer I've been busier farming. My daughter lives 45 minutes from Okeechobee so I can use the 18 foot all year round.
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