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Everything posted by kylek

  1. I have the exact same rod paired up with a lew's reel and I can't crank with it. It is a little to stiff in my opinion. I would go for the 7' M version or the winch series for cranking. By the way... this is going to be my next purchase too!!!!
  2. I just started using the snaps for all my crankbaits. I just clip them to whatever comes on the bait from the factory.
  3. Thank you!!! I am sure I will be planning something soon!!!! Hope I have a good story to post about when we get finished!!!!
  4. Thanks!! I will have to get there soon and try it out. I have only caught 2 smallies before at Coffey County but they were just a fluke... We were fishing for whites when I caught them. Would love to get a few more under my belt as well as getting my father in law on the board. What would you recommend this time of year to catch them?
  5. It's a tough one that is for sure. They had a tourney out there 3 weeks ago, I think, and it took 17lbs to win. I have no clue where or what they were using and they sure weren't telling!!!!! I noticed your favorite lake for smallies is Milford. Whats the best time of year to catch a mess of them? It looks like it is about 2.5 hrs from my house, but would be well worth it to hook into a few.
  6. Anyone have any luck at Pony Express Lake in Cameron, MO? We went out today and only caught 2 fish. One on a buzzbait and one on a frog in a little cove with some lily pads. This lake has our number.. We can never seem to develop any type of pattern. Anyone have any info on this lake? I would appreciate any that you all can give out. Thanks Kyle
  7. Now that's more like what I am use to catching!!!!!
  8. Thanks for all that info Jeff. I would want to target smallmouth mostly since I dont have many places around here that have them. I am still working on figuring out how to make this work. Would love to meet a bunch of the people on here.
  9. I would be coming from Kearney, MO. It is north of Kansas City about 20 miles or so. I will go update my profile to show that. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks. I will try to get my father in law to go as well. He has a boat we could bring. I will have to work on the wife to see if she will let me get away!!!
  11. Thinking about trying to swing this trip. It sounds like a heck of a good time. Do you just need to buy a TN fishing license? I see that it runs south into other states as well???? Any idea how much an out of state TN license cost? Can I come without a boat and tag along with someone? Thanks for any help. Would love to be put on some good smallmouth fishing!!!! KYle
  12. Very nice as usual. I was beginning to wonder if you were still fishing.. haven't seen any pictures in awhile!!!!
  13. I don't shoot anymore but I was always a huge Hoyt fan. I owned most of them at one time or another. I did buy a Matthews switchback when they first came out but could never get comfortable with the grip they use. They are both great bows in my opinion.
  14. He has his own website. Look under his username. It is listed in his facebook line. I have bought from him before and all his stuff is great!!!
  15. I use to collect golf balls from all the courses I played. I also got into collecting Scotty Cameron putters and the headcovers used with them. Some of those get into the $1000s. I never got that crazy but I did have some that were $500 or so. I normally had 10-15 in my home at one time. Ended up selling them when I lost interest in golf after having back surgery.
  16. Frogs are great on pads. I like to hop/twitch mine on top of the pads and then stop in the holes. Makes for a very awesome bite.
  17. I think you would be ok unless fishing some super heavy stuff, then the MH or H would be a better choice. Also you may want to up the line weight especially the thicker slop you are fishing. I use a 7' MH with 50lb braid, but I dont fish frogs alot.
  18. I have Stren mono on it now so I will be using it as the backing.
  19. I went ahead and bought a spool of 50lb power pro this morning. After looking at my spool of 20lb I realized I wouldn't have enough to fill my reel anyways. Thanks for the answers so far. I do have the 20lb on my spinning reel and love it!!!! Kyle
  20. Looking to add one more reel with braid. I already have one with 50lb that I use anytime I am near heavy cover. This would be more for open water fishing maybe with a carolina rig or something. I have a spool of 20lb power pro left over. Will this be good on a baitcaster reel or should I go buy something bigger? Thanks Kyle
  21. Thanks guys Hey Gene, I just got done watching your c-rig videos. Is the worm you are using the Zoom trick worm? I need to pick up a few different things to try out. Kyle
  22. My father in law and I went fishing this morning to prefish for an upcoming tourney. We got there at first light and started off fishing topwater and caught a few short fish. We spent a good amount of time watching the graph while motoring around the lake trying to find the fish. We came across this area that looked pretty good. A rocky bank with the wind blowing into it. It was 2-3 ft. deep at the bank and dropped off to 11' pretty quickly then finished up at around 16' deep. We tried just about everything in the tackle boxes when we both decided to try the Crig. I put on a Zoom worm in plum color and casted it out a few times to get the feel for it. On about the 5th cast as I was pulling it down the ledge it just stopped. At first I thought I was hung up in the rocks when the fish decided to shake it's head. I quickly set the hook and hauled it into the net. The scale read 5.2lbs, but if you remember from an earlier post, not 100% it is accurate, but it is my first one on the c-rig. Pretty darn happy and looking forward to giving it another shot next weekend.
  23. kylek

    grindstone 8 5 12

    From the album: Kylek's

  24. I have the 6'9" MH micro guide rod paired up with a Lews reel and love it. I am very happy with it and plan on adding a few more in the very near future.
  25. I use mine with 14lb mono so I have no clue. The guides are pretty darn small though. I don't think you can go wrong with this rod. As soon as I can afford to, I will be adding more of these to my lineup.
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