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R Tilson

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Everything posted by R Tilson

  1. On November 18, 2007 there will be a Take A Soldier Fishing event held on Clarks Hill Lake out of the Wildwood ramp. The event is being put on (not sponsored) by the CSRA Alliance for Fort Gordon, American Bass Anglers, and Fort Gordon. The day is planned out to let our soldiers enjoy a peaceful relaxing day on the lake. There will be a registration and partner pairing the evening of November 17 and weigh-in will begin at 2:00 PM on the 18th. At 7:00 PM there will be a USO show at the Bell Auditorium. If you would like to Take A Soldier Fishing, you can register at www.bassfishinggeorgia.com . The link is on the hme page under Up Coming Events/News. If your interested in donating to the event the contact information is listed below. Shannan Tilson 770-634-9941 rwsgt@charter.net Thanks for all your support!
  2. Marks Outdoors in Birmingham has them and will ship. or Coosa Tackle - http://www.coosatackle.com/site/Scripts/default.asp Either one of these two can get you any and all the Paca Craws you need.
  3. Without a doubt a great rod. All my pitching / flipping rods are 7'-6" Ultra XL Hvy and XHvy models. Very stiff for making long pitches and hauling out big fish yet sensitive enough to feel the fish breeth on your bait. 7'-0" Co-Matrix Hvy for frogs (castability) and 7'-0" XHvy for Stickbaits. I've started playing around with the spinning rods this year (Ultra XL). Been testing the 7'-6" & 7'-0" Med Hvy with finessee jigs and like the sensitivity as well as the action. Can't say enough about Ken. Stand up guy that holds to his word.
  4. I've found the Ardent Reel to be very smooth and a distance caster. No problems with over-runs throwing small crankbaits in the wind. Drag has not stuck or bumped and the 6.0:1 ratio has enough power to pull them up out of the grass. If I'm nnot mistaken, 3 year warranty is the longest in the industury. The 2006 model needs the hex driver to remove the side plate and these are on sale. The 2007 has a quick release tab on the underside to remove the side plate with does not come all the way off so you don't have to worry about it falling in the water.
  5. That's exactly why I've switched all of my rods over to Airrus. I got to spend a little time with Ken recently and he is a very interesting and knowledged person. And he will take time to speak to you, accually perfers it over emails.
  6. Diamond Shad's are all I use. I like the patterns and rough surface of the bait. The sound is different from the others, too me slightly more suttle.
  7. Funny I was just having a conversation about this topic. I do get cross-talk at 50' depths and greater. What you can do is adjust the depth reading to 50' on one and you'll be okay but will not see bottom structure on that graph. So depending on how deep your fishing or if you need both at that depth there could be cross-talk.
  8. Hadn't been since early-December. In the spring it can get pressure from fishing but pleasure boat traffic is much less then other area lakes. There will be tournaments every weekend down there. Now looking at the calender, I'll be there the first 4 full weekends. One to run a tournament and the others to practice for a tournament. Too me it's a hit and miss lake. I've seen it take 20 lbs one day and 10 lbs the next to win.
  9. It's going to be a busy lake that weekend. Georgia BASS Federation State Classic is that weekend. The fishing should be good that time of the year, last spawn and post spawn type of time. Let's keep in touch. I'll be there for the first 3 weekends in March every Saturday and Sunday. Here are 2 good web sites for the lake: http://highlandmarina.com/ westpointlakeinfo.com (might need to google this one)
  10. When is the tourney and which one? I'll help if I can.
  11. There has been a lot of good input and a great topic.! My goal, 5 year plan entering year 2 and ahead of schedule but reality in sight, just using it as a momentum. The plan, to be in the fishing industry, either fishing or related. The passion has put me there since I saw my Grandfather holding up a 10+ pounder from a boat so old the seats were made from Santee Wicker Grass (way before tournment fishing). To All, Wifes can be supportive as mine is (as she is with every thing she in envolved with), just keep your focus. Family is important, the most impantant, point blank (sorry to be so harsh). Remember this, the average age of Professional Angler is 45. Keep your dreams, keep positive, and you (I) will be where we will we want to be. See you on a tour, which ever / where ever, focus for the dream......
  12. Hey bassmaster91, Give us a little more info on where your are using those soft plastics. The good old C-Rig is can be a good choice in the right place at the right time. The baits you are using can be used in a lot of different places at a lot of different times on a lot of different rigs. Let us know where and or what type of lake(s) you are fishing and what kind of structure the lake has to offer. Some of those baits can be very effective on other type of rigs depending on the structure. Some other good info would be the equipment you are or have to use for these baits. The first big fish I ever caught was on a Zoom craw-worm, C-Riged at Santee Cooper.
  13. You won't be disappointed by the Stradic. Very smooth reel, easy to add oil, and the bushings are adjustable to help with flouro.
  14. I started out using right hand retrieve reels but found I was very ineffect and tried a left hand retrieve much to my liking. I relate it to the "goofy foot" you hear about in surfing or stakeboarding. With my right hand working the crank I could not effectively work the bait with the rod in my left hand. Just like riding a board I'm more comfortable with my right foot forward even though I'm righty. At least back when I was of boarding age.
  15. Yea, I'm using their Finesse worms and T-Mac's, love em. After using the Paca Craws I decided to try their otherbaits and have yet to be disappointed. As the colors run out on my other brand, I'll completely switch over. What I like is they are more durable and the scent makes them a put on and use bait that fish will hold on too. Nor do I have to trim the bait for use on jig heads.
  16. All, First, let's understand I am not a Director for the Weekend Series. Second, my opinions or comments on dealings with the Weekend Series are from Rick Tilson the fisherman not based on any organization. Third, I was not trying to clarify or rebut the original question asked, just stating that other's have the same rule. Forth, when asked for my opinion and not other organizations rules, I then gave my "opinion" and it was backed with why I agree to the rule (personel experence). No harm, no foul just hope that it's understood where I'm coming from. If I was defending the organization, I have had many oppurtunities before this post and have not made one to date. I in fact also enjoy peoples opinions on the different trails. I to have mine but carry the message differently because I believe that we should be tackful and not bashing individuals which becomes the case more times than not. Zel, Now to answer your question; you should be allowed to complain about the company. Based on the situation you described below, I would also complain about the organization and not fish that trail. How I would complain would be within reason not to cause any damage to further my fishing career. How, the same way I did with a major computer company. I called them until I was blue in the face and finally got the satisfaction I felt I desevered, which was getting a full refund in a timely manner not their policy time frame. In this situation I would be expecting a full redund on my monies also. I would also question why and how the situation was handled without making a personal attack on either the offical or organization which is within the rules guidelines. I knew better than to even post on this thread but I did anyway. Out of 17 posts, 5 have actually had an opinion on the rule which was the original question. Yet due to my signature, I've been called out twice for my opinion. Excuse me, but from here on out I will not be posting on any more topics dealing with any tournament trail other than if someone requests dates that I may happen to know. Thank you
  17. I would recommend Ego Nets. Light weight FLOAT!!! 2 year warranty They have both Nylon mesh and Rubber mesh. The best thing about their rubber mesh nets is the rubber stretches up to 2x with load therefore helping to eliminate the bounce effect. The large size has a 19"x21" hoop opening and a 36" handle. I've put up to 7 lb largemouth in the Medium 17"x19" hoop / 30" handle. www.adventureproducts.com
  18. My opinion on the rule; Yes, it is a good rule and I would encourge very trail to have a simular one. Would I have said that 2 years ago, no I would have thought it harsh. My reason for now for saying yes is because of a situation that occured at a tournament this past year that I was fishing. I personally watch an angler that had showed up late charge the tournament director cussing up a storm at him very loadly telling him he was going to kick his @%! for not letting him in. Hence the rule would mean being disbanned from the trail and following him to other trails and those trails not letting him fish in theirs either. The certain angler that pulled this stunt fishes the Stren Series, BFL, Southern Open, and Weekend Series when it comes to the lake he fishes. I'd love nothing more than to see someone of this nature permentally DQ'ed. Kinda like a FIFTY CENT angler.
  19. Here is where the rule came from; MEDIA COMMENTS, PUBLIC ATTACKS The favorable public reputation of BASS as a sanctioning organization in the sport of fishing, the integrity of its officials, and the reputation of its media properties are valuable assets and tangible benefits for BASS. Accordingly, it is an obligation of competitors to refrain from comments to the news media that unreasonably attack or disparage the integrity of tournaments, tournament officials, sponsors, fellow members, fellow anglers or the BASS organization. Competitors are encouraged to express themselves and have the right to question the rules officials. Responsible expressions of legitimate disagreement with BASS policies are encouraged as opposed to attacks upon the integrity of the rules or officials. However, public comments that an angler knows, or should reasonably know, will harm the reputation of BASS, BASS officials or sponsors shall be considered conduct unbecoming a professional and will result in disciplinary action. This was taken out of the BASS rules. Since the winner of the Weekend Series Championship will go to the BASS Classic they have a say in the rules. FLW has the same rule just written differently; 8. Sportsmanship All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation and to conduct themselves in a manner that will be a credit to themselves, to FLW Outdoors, FLW Outdoors' sponsors, the sport of fishing and FLW Outdoors' efforts to promote the sport. Examples of conduct not complying with those standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: Violation of, or failure to comply with, any of the official rules for the 2007 Wal-Mart FLW Tour. Consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or any kind of mind-altering substance during registration, the pretournament meeting or during tournament hours extending through the weigh-in procedure. Abuse of, or addiction to, mind-altering substances. Conviction of a felony within the past 36 months. Suspension/disqualification from any tournament or fishing organization. Any other words, conduct or actions reflecting unfavorably upon efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules, or which fail to comply with the standards set forth in the first sentence of paragraph 8. In case of any conduct not complying with the standards, FLW Outdoors shall have the right to refuse any application, or to deny a confirmed application, by returning the entry fee of a previously accepted application, or to disqualify a contestant. From BassMaxx; 7. Sportsmanship and Conduct: All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation and to conduct themselves in a manner that will be a credit to themselves, to Bass Maxx, LLC, sponsors, the sport of fishing and Bass Maxx, LLC efforts to promote that sport. Examples of conduct not complying with those standards include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or any mind-altering substance during tournament hours extending through the weigh-in procedure, 2) Abuse of, or addiction to, mind altering substances, 3) Conviction of a felony within the past 36 months, 4) Any other words, conduct or actions reflecting unfavorably on Bass Maxx, LLC. Bass Maxx tournaments or the sponsors of those tournaments or reflecting unfavorably upon efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules. If conduct does not comply with the standards set forth, Bass Maxx, LLC., and its director shall have the right to refuse any application, or to deny a confirmed application, by returning the deposit or entry fee of a previously accepted application, or disqualify a contestant. Bass Maxx, LLC reserves the right to place an official observer in a contestant's boat at any time during competition hours. A lot the tours are starting to have this rule with media exposure the way it is today.
  20. C-rig, T-rig, Split shot, Jig head, any way you would fish any other worm. Great in grass and certain times of the year on a T-rig around docks and I'll use them on bedding fish.
  21. As everyone said you can slow roll with that weight. My question would be what depth are you looking to fish? That might make a differnce in how effective that weight will be. If you are looking to slow roll on the bottom in 15-20 foot, it would be more beneficial to go with a heavier weight. If your looking to slow roll on the surface over vegitation or in shollow water, as memtioned a colorado blade would help. Secret Weapon lures is coming out with a spinnerbait designed to slow roll on the surface using willow leaf blades. I'll have mine next week and report back. Or with their interchangable blade system, you can use a lighter head and put on a big blade to keep it closer to the surface.
  22. After using Floro for years I've switched to Hi-Seas White Lightning in 12#. Results: Longer cast Deeper dive Less memory Good abrasion resistance
  23. If your testing, I would recommend trying Hi-Seas White Lightning in 12# for the spinning outfit. It has the diameter of 10#, very little memory which makes it great for spinning applications, and it a co-polymer. I to would switch the crankbait over to the spinning outfit. For the baitcaster I would recommend the same line in 17#. Same reasons and it casts farther, plus the diameter is equal to most 14# lines.
  24. Krystal Vision by The Professor Wilson Frazier www.itainttv.com . It is the same product he used on the LCD screens for the Lowrance graphs on the boats at the Classic. and If your looking for a great one step boat cleaner, Shazzam is the best I've found. Spray, wipe (dry or wet) and your done cleaning and waxing.
  25. Put-Put, I'm not sure if you can or can not read the message board without being a member. The best I can advise would be to call HQ at 1-888-203-6222 and ask if there is a read only option. The rules and registration dates have been released.
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