There has been a lot of good input and a great topic.!
My goal, 5 year plan entering year 2 and ahead of schedule but reality in sight, just using it as a momentum. The plan, to be in the fishing industry, either fishing or related. The passion has put me there since I saw my Grandfather holding up a 10+ pounder from a boat so old the seats were made from Santee Wicker Grass (way before tournment fishing).
To All, Wifes can be supportive as mine is (as she is with every thing she in envolved with), just keep your focus. Family is important, the most impantant, point blank (sorry to be so harsh).
Remember this, the average age of Professional Angler is 45. Keep your dreams, keep positive, and you (I) will be where we will we want to be.
See you on a tour, which ever / where ever, focus for the dream......