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Everything posted by prjavelin

  1. hey guys I got a PSE Stinger X at a great price. I bought all the accessories needed, a bunch of arrows, broadheads, well, you name it. A lot of stuff. Im well equiped and about to start practicing my shots. Soon Ill be hunting!!! im so pumped!!!
  2. Hi! Ive been a fisherman for a long time but Im looking towards getting into hunting. Here where I live its not a popular sport if anything at all. Theres a HUGE private property where there are hundreds of wild PIGS. yes not hogs but pigs that have escaped enclosures and have become kind of a pest to the farmers of the area. I have been given permit to go hunting there whenever I want if i just share the meat. Ive been there trapping once with the owner and a guy shot a couple of em. The license and permit for a hunting rifle are stupidly high here. My Options are: Trapping: of which I know nothing bowhunting: of which I have done a little of shooting but no hunting. I think that I could set up a feeder and go there once in a couple days and hunt for a while. Ive been reading that I need broadheads and a lot accurate shot so practice I will. Whats a decent budget to get started? What do I NEED other than the bow and the arrows? What are your suggestions. If there are any kind of videos, reading material that would get me up to speed? any help is appreciated!!
  3. I once lost a $25 custom painted vision 110 that I had made and took 2 months to get it in my hands within 10 mins of putting it on the water. The wait alone to get that beauty made made me so anxious I would never order custom made baits again. I bought 3 more that now I wont throw because those are too amazing to lose in the lake.
  4. Thank you very much guys. I've gotten great information and I'll be going to fish tomorrow afternoon. I want to fish crankbaits all the time I'm there. It will be easier if i catch one early. I hate the skunk.
  5. I fish from a kayak and Ive tried many different brands and models. I have a little bit of everything. It seems that if I fish a crankbait for hours on end I can catch one bass max of 2 and then I can never replicate the results.
  6. I fish deep clear water reservoirs. I have for a long long time struggled with crankbaits. My main problem is that if i cast at 90 degrees from shore I wont hit anything since most of those shores are very steep. there are very little stick ups if anything. fishing parallel to the shore its also a little hard since there are a lof of bushes with its lower parts underwater. There is a little bit of everything in that reservoir including shallows(where ive never caught a thing) 2 or 3 ledges and rocky areas. Also plenty of points. I want to know what angles i need to use and what areas I have to target. I want to get good with crankbaits.
  7. Hi guys. Right now i live in a house with a very limited space on one side. I think i can fit a boat and trailer in there if i fit it tongue in. I just need to know dimensions of 14 foot long boats because I know they are advertised as say 1448 meaning 48 inch wide but thats just the widest part. the space I have its wider in the entrance area and gets slim from there. Its not square. I had a 12' V boat before and I know I can fit one of those there but those boats are so unstable my wife wont get on it and shes scared to have our kid on it too. So Im forced( and happy about it) to buy a bigger boat than I had before. I need dimensions of not just the widest part of the boat but the front semi V of the 14' and 15' lowe and tracker boats and dimensions for the middle. I also need ideas and suggestions on how to move it in there tongue first. and move it out its kind of a slope and while Im very strong I dont know if its the best of ideas. I miss so much fishing tournaments. Fishing out of my kayak just doesn't bring the same emotions plus i can take my family with me! Help will be highly appreaciated!!
  8. thanks for all the info guys. I went to the lake on tuesday and caught 2 bass. I worked the alabama rig for a while. if i can cast that I can cast anything. f Im hooked im going tomorrow again!! the kayak moved abit at first but within the first 15 min I had great control and felt very comfortable. The kayak Is very good!!
  9. Hi, its been a little while since ive last posted. I Sold my boat around 8 months ago and have been suffering the downs of not fishing since(went twice from shore but sucked). I moved to a house that has no garage and its not safe to leave a boat in the driveway so ive gone the kayak way. I bought a Wilderness system Tarpon 120 yesterday. Ive kayaked before a couple times but not alot like a total of 3 times. What tips can you guys give me about fishing from it? the yak has an anchor and a rod holder which should make it a little easier for me. should i drop de anchor and use it to move slower considering the reservoirs I fish from are alittle windy at times? is there a technique or something to mount and dismount the kayak from the suv by myself? I want a trolling motor on it, is it a great idea like having a mini boat or should i stick with the paddling? how different is casting that close to the water than casting from a boat? how about the hookset, fighting fish?
  10. The helix also has down scan. I bought the helix and I can't be happier with it. ... if only I could also do 360 imaging
  11. I got one. The only thing where hummingbird screwed up was with the micro sd card while not being prepared for the switch. Meaning that I can't buy autocharts or any other card/map products from them until the come out with the micro sd versions of everything. They lost a 250$ sale a week ago and I'll probably go with reefmaster for now...
  12. Will these work on my reservoirs at our crazy 70 degree winter?
  13. duo realis g fix is insanely thin and sexy looking. I love it and the fish too.
  14. the yoyo retrieve should be done with a jigging spoon. A flutter spoon is better for casting, letting it fall and the pulling it back up, rinse and repeat buy a bunch of different types and experiment
  15. January the monkey had been on fire. New fishfinder and around $300 on tackle and then around the same on boating stuff and repairs :'(
  16. I guess no bass there feeding yet. The shad schools were suspending close to 5 feet, very tight together, no big fish around them. I wasn't using the fish id but I've seen a lot of you and some people on you tube doing good with it. I turned that on today for next week fishing trip. I also have a tournament on the 24th. I want to be decent using the ff for it.
  17. Yesterday while fishing a nasty wind set in an area of the lake. I went into the only area there that had a wind blown point. There were at least 2 schools of shad there that I kept seeing in my Side Imaging. I started throwing a spoon and inmediately caught a nice catfish. I kept throwing the spoon but had no luck with it. i kept seeing the school of bass and I could never see the school of bass or any bass for that matter. It was a good chance for me to learn and while I learned that I have to be more patient and that I can control the wind I didnt. After around 20 minutes I left for a quieter spot on the lake to stink again. Ended catching a total of 2 bass after that in one extremely quiet spot. What do you guys do in situations like these? What do you throw? I was casting against the wind. Do you do that or fish with the wind? Should I kept looking? Alabama rigs out of the question... I use it, but cant use it on tournaments here.
  18. i experienced what you are saying wayne. Its not bad to mount or dismount in my house or in the ramp. Its not as nice on the water where I have to be careful not to send one of the knobs into the water and Im in a different position inside the boat vs doing it outside the boat with it in the trailer. Are there mounts for the Helix already? HB wants 39.99 for a stock mount and I definitely need another one for when I decide to move the FF to the back and scan. Usually how much are these? EDIT: just researched the 2 models you guys are talking about. I guess i mount the gimball to the ram mount... the unit only has 2 screws on the sides that wont work if hooked to a plate like the ram comes with. These arent that much. I may buy one today and let you guys know how it is.
  19. What happens if you mount a trolling motor tranducer backwards and you move to the front. What kind of image do you get?
  20. I bought one. You can remove it from the boat which is what I do but you have to remove the 2 screws on the sides to do that. It's not a quick disconnect but it's not a pita either.
  21. What is that Wayne? A canal or something? Also what is the black marks? The shadows from the canal wall?
  22. First of all I don't have a lot of money. I don't feel like I want or need things like I pilot. With that said I bought a nice helix 5 si to use as my fishfinder with SI! There are no charts for my country. Nothing. Not even the outlines for the bodies of water. There comes the need for me to be able to make my own maps. This also gives me an advantage. Autochart pro looks awesome. It's made and supported by humminbird, I think. It looks like it has a lot of nice features. It is expensive! At 250$ for a kinda simple application it feels like a lot. Reefmaster has all the bells and whistles. Si mosaics, bottom composition etc etc. For $100 less. They are even giving 14 day free trial. They have a great community too. My only worry is compatibility. Can I print the maps? Can I see the maps on my unit without problems? Anyone experienced in these?
  23. You definitely have more experience than the guy that took my call! I will order the transducer. I want the best I can get. Thanks for the insight!
  24. Just got off the phone with humminbird they told me the unit doesn't have the transistors to run the 800 kHz that the hds I transducer uses. So the upgrade won't be an upgrade and it's not necessary. Something else about the pins in the connection too.
  25. I got one more question: what do I do when I get auto charts... I can't run around with the trolling motor down making maps. My lakes around here are small but not that small and I want to map them whole. Should I stick to the transducer on the back or can I somehow move the transducer you recommended? BTW you assumed right I bought the SI version!
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